Ch. 35 was cleary rape ,why are some of you guys defending it

If u hate it then don't read it. As simple as that

I don't defend it. Actually I hated it. I was really starting to believe that Sangwoo was developing some feelings for Bum, because of his reaction to Bum cutting himself in ch27 (he was going to beat him but ended up getting worried). But then ch35 happened and I remembered what I was reading. ┗( T﹏T )┛

It was absolutely clearly not a rape. Bum could have shouted, started kicking, otherwise trying to defend himself, yet he didn't. Instead, when they finally got into the house, he started telling Sangwoo that he liked him. He also tried to hug Sangwoo during the process. What we saw was aggressive yet consensual sex.

Bum ran away from his uncle to live with Sangwoo. Bum and Sangwoo already had oral sex several times and became lovers long ago. This time they just got proper anal, Sangwoo-style (sadistic lover).
p.s. in manga, if there's a rape scene, you get a warning at the beginning of a chapter, like when they showed the scene with his uncle.

There was a warning for this chapter if you read it on Lezhin.

Bum didn't run away, he was held captive by Sangwoo. We're not discussing their past sexual history, we're talking about what happened in 35. They had sex in the past but that does not automatically make every sexual interaction afterwards consensual. It is possible for someone to be raped by their lover. Consensual sex between a sexually sadistic person and their sexual partner is not abuse, "Sangwoo-style" is rape.
And as the anon said, there was a warning.

Do you even know what rape is? Just because they had sex before doesn't mean he can't rape bum. Bum never said he wanted it , he said no multiple times yet sangwoo kept going and bum did start shouting but sangwoo told bum that the police would hear them to shut bum up , and meny of rape victims don't shout ,kick or screem.

You literally could not be more wrong. I am a rape survivor. It was a friend. I knew him very well. I didn't scream or kick or call for help. I told him I didn't want to and thought if I kept my mouth shut it would be over sooner and it would save our friendship (because I had viewed him as a brother). I wanted to think it wasn't happening. I wanted to think if I just accepted it that he would continue being friends with me and not tell everyone else because I was embarrassed and insecure. In my case it was coercion.
Bum positively was raped. He shows signs of Stockholm Syndrome. He thinks Sangwoo loves him because he touches him. To be consensual, it has to be sane. Neither one of them is sane. Neither can consent. He's literally being abused and people who are abused often don't cry out for help.

He probably tried to hug because of that.... thinking that if he showed affection then Sangwoo would go "easy" on him, afterall every time he confessed it was the save is own life (when he got caught, when he tried to escape, when he makes a mistake... evey time he tells sangwoo he he loves him, he does it because he's scared)

This manga was worst than the emoji movie and I wasted 15 minutes or so of my life

I like this manga. I am really hoping it turns into a true BDSM manga and i don't really think the seme rape the uke. The uke didn't really seem to mind having sex with the seme but all that doesn't really matter....
what made the emoji movie bad? I like kids movie and i am thinking about watching it but something about it prevent me from watching but at the same time i like kids movies so i keep on thinking i might enjoy it. I really wouldn't mind spoilers. I don't want to waste my time.

lol. Emoji movie is the worst piece of trash that anybody can watch. Dont leave your kids watch that and get lobotomized. The same goes to this manga, unless you are brain-damaged you cant help to notice that this was writen while the mangaka was stoned.

Lols totally agree

Same. This shit always happens to me

Omg this was so messed up, It was okay but I didn't like the student he looked so traumatized from what he witnessed and the uke wasn't even a full adult he didn't know right from wrong.
(I'm probably going to get spammed with dislikes)

It's okay to have your own point of view. Without knowing the backstory, there could be a million ways the seme and uke could have started their relationship.
I've seen a lot of stories where the uke student chases the seme sensei. I've seen a lot of seme sensei's chase uke students. Then turn around and realize they got caught in a trap (it's always a trap!).
Story's like this have been done to death , I hope this adds some new formula