I completely understand Euijoon. Clearly he wants to be the "one" for his lover but he's reduced to the "second" by both Ahjuicy and Hyeonwoo. Even if Ahjuicy didn't sleep with that lady, he clearly have some kind of relationship with her and he didn't ended it for Euijoon so yeah, it is a misunderstanding but Euijoon is right in his judgement, he is the side dish. And he straightforwardly rejected Hyeonwoo as he didn't like being side dish. The only different between Hyeonwoo and Ahjuicy is that Hyeonwoo was using him for some kind of personal satisfaction(maybe he thought Euijoon was easy to manipulate) while Ahjuicy has a genuine interest in him but at the end of the road, they are both using him as side dish. Euijoon set up barriers as he doesn't want to be used and get hurt, he's grounded I love it
Black people defending the blatant racism in this story are the same niggas who excuse white people's racism with "it's just a joke don't be sensitive. This is why our race won't ever progress". Y'all rather chose your hobbies and ignore the obvious stereotypes than side with your race.
China is motherfucking racist and it a manhua, if the author took time to research and write an accurate story of black people, this chinese kids reading this would learn much. Instead the author chose the easy way out.
That's what I'm saying. This shit literally just full on disrepecting a culture by making them look barbaric