IDK Heeno and Aerak are fcking toxic. Heeno is fat phobic. And Choi Doyul deserved better. IDK Ayeon is sus(the set up was weird. Did he try to r4pe Jaerim or not) but if he's ready to go this far for the b1tch he loves, he could have ended up with Doyul. I also wanted more Ssoyoung and Joohee.

Looking back on some chapters, Donggyung also deserved better. He was morbidly bullied yet his character was antagonize and he never got any justice. I get telling a dear friend to die is horrible but Yuri knew he was being bullied. Yet he vilainize a victim. I understand the cognitive process which made him blame one person for his misery. It's normal for teenager to think like that but there definitely should have been a conversation between Yuri and Donggyung where they sort this out. Cause Yuri has Jaerim, Donggyung have nobody. His character was wasted potential.
I also hate how Yuri lashed out on Jaerim for judging Dunno on his behaviour(not his appearance) only for the story to prove that Dunno is nothing but an asshole. Your friend is being bullied but you don't do anything about it and then you blame him for the trauma of your cousin when he is also a victim and Yuri just need therapy.

Bless you. Heeno and Aerak nearly ruined the entire story for me and I ended skipping the last 2 chapters. I hated hated hated their story line, I mean, it's genuinely unforgivable to me to say that to someone. Aerak had so many personal issues, his self hatred hurt me to read, it really reflected on why he stayed with Heeno. I also agree with you about Donggyung, his parts are the ones that made me want to cry the most. It was heart breaking. He seemed to be struggling even now and he had no support at all.
Just get yourself a mistress dude. She's gonna treat you the way you want to