májesty created a topic of Someone Stop Her!

She boutta piss me off

májesty followed a list

Omegaverse is an alternate universe in which Mpreg is possible.,there are 3 main roles: ⍺, β & Ω

⍺ - dominant & able to impregnate Omegas. Male Alphas usually have a knot when aroused.

β - subordinate to Alphas & may or may not be able to impregnate Omegas

Ω - generally lowest on the hierarchy. Male Omegas are self-lubricating & can become pregnant

 Each Omegaverse has its own variations depending on the writer .

Fluffy ABO - 


Tags: omegaverse
24 days
májesty created a topic of Beauty and the Beasts


The girl saying why did u betray me alr pissed me off not gonna waste my time reading smth that’ll probably be harem bs

májesty created a topic of Someone Stop Her!

Bro pls do not make this a thing where he fucks the other 2 neighbors

májesty created a topic of Monday'saviour

He comes home crying asking for a hug and the first thing u think abt is to fuck?

I feel so bad for her imagine the love of your life that you’ve been with for 13 years betrays you he went from loving her to hating her that is crazy

májesty created a topic of Crimson Ocean

Kashan will be going on my hear me out cake

májesty created a topic of Waterside Night
májesty created a topic of Tale of the Yellow Dragon

Can’t bring myself to read this again to tragic

májesty created a topic of Altruistic Warrior

“How do Yk this was written by a woman” and this so literally the Story

májesty created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Here are the latest updates make sure to use a vpn or add blocker to get rid of the crazy pop up adds

The series has all of the available translated chapters


májesty created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Guys this chapter has been out for months just nb updated it DOES ANYONE HAVE THE RAWS KR UPDATED VERSION ANYWHERE

májesty created a topic of Gig of the Day
májesty created a topic of Waterside Night
májesty like the answer
Me x whoever sees this comment
májesty created a topic of Risky Vice

Dropped this when the town was set on fire☠☠

májesty created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

The baby looks like chucky