stealthestars created a topic of Haikaburi Complex

cinderella complex? more like underwear complex
but seriously, get up

stealthestars created a topic of An Ode To Youth

This is surprisingly good, the artstyle isn't exactly to my tastes but it ended up growing on me. The characters aren't over the top, the dynamics are pretty healthy, it's humorous but emotionally charged and it doesn't drag on longer than necessary like other manhwa tend to do.
I also like how the beginning ties to the end of season 1, in an attempt to keep the readers invested. And it worked! (^▽^) I'm looking forward to Chani and Yeha's story, I hope it doesn't disappoint.

stealthestars created a topic of High Pulse

this started out good but then decided to take a cliff dive in quality. The amount of braincells I lost, by god ಠ_ಠ why the hell were the mc and ml all "you're totes going to be an alpha!" when everyone and their grandma could tell that the mc was going to be an omega? it was so predictable that I actually thought they would make him an alpha just to subvert the expectations. everyone's ragging on the mc, and I agree, but the ml could've just said "it doesn't matter if you're omega or alpha. I'll like you either way" instead of constantly going "I hate omegas" "I like alphas".

stealthestars created a topic of Inran Touken

what on earth is with all the hate on the uke, none of ya'll have reading comprehension istg - he did nothing wrong. he ain't manipulative, he's just playful and eccentric and also traumatised since he keeps getting assaulted. sure he keeps putting himself in dangerous situations but he does that to solve crimes more efficeintly and for the thrill. tho I don't think his head is screwed on right but that's on the mangaka for giving him that trait. enough with the victim blaming

stealthestars created a topic of Speak Of The Devil

you know, it would have been better if Lee Nan's love was one-sided after all - instead of the Director suddenly having had feelings for him all along (which I still don't believe because I can only see lust from his end). It would have been a good parallel to his relationship with Jae Oh for one and also show that while a person may feel love, the other only revels in lust. Should have gone for the doomer end tbh

stealthestars answered question about healthy convo
Deliverance of the Counterattack. Can't even be asked to complete it- it drags on. Oh, and A Guy Like You as well. Shout out to Struggle lmao.
stealthestars created a topic of Don't Eat My Cookies

the artstyle is making me lose my mind - it's so distracting. uke be looking like megamind daawg (╯°□°)╯

stealthestars created a topic of Dive (yeonpil)

tbh there wasn't much of a romantic vibe from this - to me, it's a story about friendship, jealousy, inadequacy, resentment and coming to terms with doing something that you love. It's a clear example of why you should hear the story from all sides, take an objective stance and then come to a conclusion. And why you shouldn't just avoid confrontations because running away does nothing, everything would keep biting away at you, chipping pieces off till you're full of despair. What you're really running away from is your true self, so quit prolonging it and face it. anyways, good shit ( ๑‾◡‾)σ"

stealthestars created a topic of Grab the Stars

you guys are being too harsh on the uke tbh. put yourself in his shoes for a sec. the ghosting was a shitty thing to do but it was impulsive - his insecurity and pride overwhelmed him. his mentality was stuck on 'he'll eventually leave me so I'll leave first'. and by the end of the manga he grew/healed from the trauma. props to the seme tho, he has patience and is a romantic (unlike us cynical readers lol)

man why is the rating for this so low? even tho the story is short, simple and a little rushed, it's still healthier and sweeter than most highly rated works with trashy semes, half-assed art and incoherent plots. ya'll have no taste fr

praising the yaoi gods (and the mangaka) for making megane-san the uke (*⌒▽⌒)ノ

stealthestars created a topic of Renai Game

it's been years and I still can't get over how the cover couple resemble ichigo and ishida lmaoo

oya always hurts my megane-loving heart when characters say the uke looks better without glasses

stealthestars created a topic of Steady Study

I think big bro should get his back blown out (by restaurant manager-kun). That should calm him down ;)

the implied eren/armin (based) levi/annie???? lmao

stealthestars created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

alright, the humor for this story was funny at first and the plot points interesting - but at some point (probs around ch130+) everything started to get stale and I got bored. the characters are over the top in terms of personality, one dimensional, have no nuance and are badly written. especially the feng family members. the good characters are uber nice and perfect, the bad characters are uber evil and irredeemable. almost every single character is mega rich and then they marry another mega rich character

one character I did find interesting was feng yuyan(?) (the ml's youngest aunt). she actually had a decent character arc and I really felt for her and the fact that she was so overlooked and disregarded by the people around her

and since the mc and ml got together so early, I ended up getting bored of their relationship tbh but that's probably on me cuz I love drama and don't find pre-established couples that are lovey dovey 24/7 that interesting whoops.

the story just drags and could've been cut down. and currently there is no plot

meanwhile, characters that should get focus - the pink haired tiger tattoo lady for example - get glossed over

rourou is cute and funny...but he's also a giant mary sue. He has everyone falling at his feet over how cute he is, is full of powers, can sense emotions, connect with the dead, see when someone's going to die, find lost spirits (bighead) and will them to come into the world of living (ch.243.5), has a magical dream realm where anything is possible even the dead can go there and be immortal, his father is the feng heir, his other father is the hu heir, he's inheriting everything - it just goes on and on.

also with the incest plot being introduced I feel as though the author is setting up rourou and bighead endgame, I hope I'm wrong but I won't be surprised. i'm dropping this but might come back to check out the comments to see if my prediction ended up being true lmao