At the rate the author is going I have lost my interest in reading this......I get where she's coming from but calling readers murderers and guilt tripping them isnt right either. Plus sue me for this if you want but the artist gets more props for this manhwa than the author honestly. The story is good but the art is what is carrying this. I dont see the artist calling out readers to die.
Let her take off the story
Fr and the artist doesn’t care about what’s happening rn. I get it if the artist didn’t like illegal websites because they put in hours into a single shot, but they’re not mad. Instead the author is making a bigger issue of it and frankly makes her look childish because every other author has accepted illegal sites since this is the internet after all
Who told you other artists accept that? So many artists on twitter said to read them only on Lezhin. Some of them found a way to stop illegal uploads like Pian Pian. If they could they would stop this, not accept. But the truth is not everyone has time and energy to fight with it and not enough money to sue everyone
oh boy even I am panicking by the amount....lmao social anxiety go brrrr