The phase where i go from reading hard core yaoi smut to reading just lovely dovies shoujo needs to be studied or are there no good yaoi's out these days? Foul's start is the only yaoi I'm following these days

There’s so many good ones! You just have to look hard, and it’s most likely not the popular ones.
Here’s my list, it has a bunch of good yaois on it, only the best of the best.
I also recommend reading this story
- https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/shangri_la_no_tori/
It’s literally the most perfect story that you could ever find in bl.

A storyline I'm imagining these days is one of those isekai timeline based, where everyone wears pretty gowns but also can teleport but I don't the focus to be on magic like at all
It starts with the ml (Prince black hair green eyes but when angry or too emotional hair turns blonde and eyes red) and fl (trusted Duke's daughter, family is not evil but emotionless types/ mother dead, the ml has big family and they love her) we see happy childhood, the ml has a sister who is fl's best friend and both ml and fl are very cute and in puppy love types with each other. And then one day they're on a picnic and the fl and bf are playing when the fl dog jumps off a cliff and the sister/bf dies trying to protect it.
Then everything turns upside down and everybody blames the fl and don't talk to her ever again, her family as emotionless as they are don't say anything to her but don't do anything for her either. My fl is lively and doesn't let anything discourage cause she tried to explain everything but nobody believes her and even though she is happy and doing everything she wants she doesn't get close to anyone cause she too blames herself for a bf death and punishes herself by not being close to anybody but she still loves the ml and the family cause they treated her kindly and like family when fl's mother died- like the queen and king used to treat her like their own daughter the siblings loved her and everything.
The fl hides and goes to the city and learns baking, archery, chess and cool things, she's really social and sassy real but kind.
Then as the ml (prince) turns 20 his age to marry the kingdom holds an ceremony that has been happening for generations for all to be kings, where maidens from across the globe come to the land to fight to become the queen, and since after the king the duke from their kingdom is of the highest rank the fl has no other option but to join the competition but since she really loved the ml she did even though reluctantly since she didn't want to hurt the family by showing herself.
Then we kind of see a long LONG (cause I love angst, I want to feel pain in my entire body) montage of everyone at the palace mistreating her or being rude or just mean from the staff to the cool to the kings family siblings mother everyone, she has the worst room out of all participants, she has no help and build up a lil home diy tue my own corset thing, she doesn't complain or pity herself but lives life to the fullest and gives her all to the competition.
But things are hard each week the entirely family has have one meal with each contestant but no one's comes for her meals ever, the chef gives her heavy cutlery or adds too much salt to the food so she can't eat, the older sister of the ml treats her like crap, makes fun of her with her friends, gives an old dress to her as gift while other receive good stuff, the younger siblings ruin her things, throws chocolates cookies toys she gives them, just annoy her to no end, like it's bad bad.
But the fl doesn't ditter she sneaks out at night. And lives her life and she doesn't really is the one to mope around.
Then we start seeing interactions between the ml and fl and the fl is trying to mend things, not event at anything marriage or love related but the ml is very hot and cold, days he talk days he's mean, and we kinda see how throughout the competition maidens keep getting out but she stays and people slowly start noticing her and and that she's really just a girl trying her best and not this evil jealous kid but they're too stuck with their egos to do anything about it but the family remains as cold ever.
We see episodes like the queen who once treated her like a daughter slap her and tells her to bow 90 degree when greeting her which only the lower ranked people did.
The king just never beleing her and doubting and blaming her though he mostly just exists.
Then we kind of see the ml and the fl trying to slowly start mending things and have normal conversations even though the ml is still cold but the ml gets hopeful she doesn't expect love but doesn't want hate wants exist together in peace.
We see more parties and little competition and notices when the fl gets in an argument with another competitor and defends herself and another competitor, the royal family and the ml watches and takes the fl side. But after it the ml takes the fl to the side and they have a terrible argument where he's like I'll never forgive you and you're un loveable and what not and tells to get out of the competition cause he will never marry her. The fl goes quite and says I'm just going to prove I'm not as bad as you think and leaves .
Then we some archery or horse riding competition and this is the first time the fl feels lonely when she sees the families of all the daughters in the competition with them, the other girls being friends with each other and stuff so she tries to go and talk to different groups but they cold shoulder her even though they don't hold any malice towards her cause they don't want to be on the bad side of the royal family. We then see some attack happen there and we see everyone trying to protect each other and run and this when loneliness dons on the fl when she sees no one comes to her rescue when she is almost attacked and injured her ankle, she walks back to her room alone cause the doctor staff thought she was lying and tends to herself. She has the royal family lunch next morning but no one shows up, her food too salty, she comes back to her room and sees the only flower from the garden her mother grew was tatter and on the floor while the royal kids laughed it off as a prank, we see her cry for the first time and we see the royal kids kind of shocked by the entire things so they just run away.
It's the night of the day and she's sitting outside, hiding and smoking when the prince comes out they're quite for a second and have a little nice and light fun conversation, they talk about their childhood, the prince apologizes for being rude all this time, understands her circumstances and sorry about not attending the lunch today cause he was busy. They talk some more about what they've been upto and little things like full on chemistry and then it's dinner time with another competitor so he goes. They work it out and we see a lot spark and chemistry in the normal conversations they have with little touches and giggles.
All this time no one knows her living situation, the no maid situation, her family situation, her relationship with the other competitors, the staff the kids or anything. But she just felt at peace but also kinda empty.
The next level of competition is in two weeks and it's a strategic and planning competition but one of the most important which would then be followed by a light paper folding competition which is just like a formality thing which everyone always wins and the fl use to love creating cranes with her bf before she died.
The two weeks we see a lot of changes we see everyone start to slowly notice the fl is just a girl, she's trying her best, she's sweet, relatable and funny. We see the tides change ever so slightly everyone starts being kinder to her, the staffs treats her well but she isn't as enthusiastic as she was before, the competitors don't care about the royal family and start talking to her but she shows little motivation, we see she starts getting the right food and cutlery but she doesn't even touch it anymore, the kids come and apologise for breaking the flower instead of smiling and inviting them in offering them stuff she makes she just tells them it alright and walks away, she doesn't follow the old sister anymore, she doesn't step out of line or act familiar with the king and queen anymore and continues to do the low level greeting ignoring when they say it's alright all embarassed. We see the ml and fl have chats but the fl doesn't try to extend the conversation like she did before. We kind of for the first time just exist and not try or go out.
Then the competition day comes in and we get to see how calm and smart the fl is that everybody is shocked but the royal family who knew her when she was young and are kind of proud of her, and then her weekly meal happens and for the first time all the royal kids except the ml join her, even the empress, the fl is happy and they share a nice chat about different things but the fl doesn't touch her food or ask where the others are or anything, then evening comes and we see the paper making competition happens and everybody's just enjoying cause it's just a fun time and not an actual competition anyone has ever lost, we see the competition begin and everybody making beautiful intricate designs, we see the fl look at the paper and start making a crane which she then keeps on the table, everybody's just enjoying when the competition timing is just about to end, the last final five seconds and we see the fl pick up the crane, open it and keep the flat paper on the table and the bell strikes the competition is over.
Everybody is just silent, the royal family the ml just stand from there seats and look in shock, the announcement rings, the competition is over and the fl is out from the race to marry the ml.
We see the king rise and call it unfair cause the fl had made the crane before but the game leader denies it and says it doesn't matter the final result is what matters, we see the royal kids create a fuzz calling it cheating and to do the round but the game master disagrees, the ml just remains silent.
We then just see the fl walk back alone to her room and start packing her stuff quietly when slowly people start filling her tiny room first the kids barge on shouting that she's a cheater and unfair and that they will make sure the game happens again so not wrap up things but she says it's alright and starts throwing stuff like the cookies she use to offer them away, we see the maids come in asking her to stay but are ignored, the cook comes to give food for home but she says she doesn't want it, we see the old sister who is quietly looking at her get angry and tells her if she's leaving she will never look at her again and to leave her old dress behind to which the fl shows her the dress in the cupboard she wasn't packing as she continues packing, we see the fl grab her stuff and walk out as the others follow her quietly, we see one of the royal kids silently crying behind. We see her walk past the ml's room which was closed to which she glances and thinks it's alright and he was a dream she will never have thinking her going didn't really bother him a lot we see her walk into the king and queen's chamber where the queen is pacing and as soon as the fl enters and bows down 90 degrees the empress says no and tells her to stand straight and that to go back to her room and that she's still in the running for the competition but for the first time the fl says no I would like to withdraw and not constitute in this competition the whole room goes silent the kings doesn't say anything and the fl picks up her bag and walks away, we see a carriage standing there but she ignored and walks theong ways towards the door against everyone's protest she doesn't turn back as everyone but the ml who is nowhere to be seen watches her go.
We see the ml go outside get the local carriage or whatever and goes to a law firm wherewe see her sit for hours and have discussions and sign a paper, she then goes home and everyone waits for her at the main gate, they try to take her luggage but she denies and goes to her father and hands a paper, the paper is for her to be emancipated from her family. The father gets angry and says no and she says this is the only things she's ever asked for and some drama happens and the father signs and the brother just in the background doesn't say anything. We then see her open her suitcase and take out all the dresses and jewellery and large bag of money and give to her father and she says this is all my clothes and everything I own that you have me I will keep sending money every month to cover whatever you've spent on me all these years types and as the father crumbles she walks away.
The money was from all the time she use to go outside and help and stuff she won at the different competitions she was a part of.
We see her then book a hotel and cry and entire night.
Cut to next morning no longer an aristocrat she makes a cv and starts going to different bakeries with a box full of cookies she made.
We see her finally get into a really far all girls new bakery owned by a divorcee and start her life ther.
So till here I've dreamed about not sure if I want the ml to end up with the fl or not, sure want to show a lot of regret, guilty, and pining from everybody.
So am I mentally insane?

can someone recommend something similar to bj alex and banana scandal season 2 where the seme is super dick but slowly turns nice or something with the 'i hate everyone but you' trope

Hate to love straight stories, I wanna feel pain- fl gets back with og ml/bf/husband. Redemption, regret pining
What it means to be you
I've read most
Betrayed of the dignity