THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ December 16, 2020 8:29 pm

can I just say wow unexpected from a harlequin like it was cute and no unnecessary shit no rape cheating and that nonsense and just some clean wholesome sweet love right here I gotta give this a 4 star and might I say highest star rate I've ever put on a harlequin

THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ December 11, 2020 8:52 pm

well that was shitty asf... I would never take such an asshole back and those excuses he used are worst than the shit I tell my teachers when I don't complete their work... so it took her almost dieing to find out you love her... he should go intercourse himself... and she just dumb asf like idiot lady could have found a better guy than that c*nt

    Comadrin July 8, 2021 4:59 am

    She could find a better guy than him almost anywhere other than death row in prison.

THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ December 9, 2020 10:41 pm

so when we getting dem babies and no more raping? surprised that mpreg boy ain't transferring already or being home schooled

THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ November 20, 2020 8:57 pm

the fact that her belly ain't showing yet makes me worried tbh like some bad shit gonna go down and that won't be good for my heart guys.

    kisumebaby November 20, 2020 10:11 pm

    It’s only eleven weeks bruh usually the bump dont show until a couple weeeks later chillll

    otakuness November 20, 2020 11:17 pm

    bumbs show around 12 - 16 weeks.

    Faylinn November 20, 2020 11:32 pm
    bumbs show around 12 - 16 weeks. otakuness

    There are people that don't really look pregnant while they are at 9 months, so it all depends on the person

    otakuness November 21, 2020 12:30 am
    There are people that don't really look pregnant while they are at 9 months, so it all depends on the person Faylinn

    i just said the average pregnant woman from google lol. but ya it depends

    THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ November 21, 2020 5:17 am
    It’s only eleven weeks bruh usually the bump dont show until a couple weeeks later chillll kisumebaby

    but still she couldn't have gotten a bit of a bump atleast to show us she's fr preggers?

    THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ November 21, 2020 5:18 am
    bumbs show around 12 - 16 weeks. otakuness

    ik but stillwish they made a tiny bump or so...and I love it when they show like the bumps it's hella cute

    THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ November 21, 2020 5:20 am
    It’s only eleven weeks bruh usually the bump dont show until a couple weeeks later chillll kisumebaby

    and also I'm just like saying the fact that we see no changes at all makes me worried that smt bad gonna happen and it feels like she isn't even pregnant and ik it takes time

    kisumebaby November 21, 2020 6:21 pm
    but still she couldn't have gotten a bit of a bump atleast to show us she's fr preggers? THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~

    Bruh we don’t need a bump to know she’s preggers first episode said it already, dont worrryyyyy I’m pretty sure she’s fine like the other comments said, depends on the person but averagely the bump shows in the next couple of weeks

THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ November 5, 2020 6:53 am

does anyone know which chapter they revealed the pregnancy or the father

    Mai November 5, 2020 4:05 pm

    Yesss i wana know too when will the daddy know that he is pregnant! Lol

THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ October 4, 2020 8:42 pm

ima be honest I liked this at first but there ain't much to it but sex sex sex and I ain't complaining bout that but too much of it makes there no room for an actual plot

    otakuness October 8, 2020 7:37 pm

    more plot now i guess. hes meeting the fam and they talked about how she got bullied

    THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ October 9, 2020 3:42 am
    more plot now i guess. hes meeting the fam and they talked about how she got bullied otakuness

    Yeah ik but still the majority of these episodes have sex in them but I still like them do cause she yells adorable and he hot asf but still

    otakuness October 9, 2020 4:24 am
    Yeah ik but still the majority of these episodes have sex in them but I still like them do cause she yells adorable and he hot asf but still THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~

    i mean this is basically hentai...

    Lyniie October 9, 2020 8:07 pm

    Its josei and smut.. without sex itd be a regular josei..

    THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ October 9, 2020 8:54 pm
    Its josei and smut.. without sex itd be a regular josei.. Lyniie

    you people dont egt what I'm saying and ok it's a josei and smut... I read what genres it was

THIRSTae_(~‾▿‾)~ September 24, 2020 5:19 pm

honestly hoping mask guy an her fuck an hit it off like they both perfect for each other but I also realised she doesn't seem like the type to be in a committed ion know no more an besides his Fiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeeeeee(´ε` )

TataRj3004 July 12, 2020 12:59 am

Ima be honest all i could think about was wow they all some crazy horny mafuckers

TataRj3004 June 10, 2020 5:05 pm

Why it gotta end like that yarre this is why i hate ongoing manga,,i always start crying when i need to wait for updates to my fav manga(╯°Д °)╯ ╥﹏╥

TataRj3004 June 10, 2020 6:19 am

Its just perfection mannn and i want an md in my life like yall see that bod likeeee bruhhhhh sorry Alex,,md is justtttttt **drool

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