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HCW August 22, 2017 6:47 pm


HCW August 22, 2017 6:04 pm

I'm running outa patients here.. Where the heck is ren and why hasn't he met kyoko yet.. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.. Wanna see them together so bad that I'm dying. And that ring? What the heck ren??????????? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Anonymous August 22, 2017 6:21 pm

    I think that bitch lying, it was 2 years ago, did she carry it around with her all the time? eventhough Ren did give her a white day present, I bet Ren giving it to all the cast of drama just like what he did to Dark Moon cast where he gave everyone the same item. if I wasnt mistaken, Ren did prepared something for kyoko but bcause of some reason (maybe it was handmade or preordered) the white day gift got delayed, I forgot in what chapter but Yashiro give a hint about it to kyoko (of course she didnt get the message)

    I Don't Think Kimiko is Lying August 23, 2017 2:24 am

    (So, I posted it already, and I'm just recycling the comment).

    I think Ren actually gave Kimiko the ring, but I don't think he gave her to ring because he's especially close to her. Knowing Ren's character, he probably gave her a ring so that Kimiko can get through the scene because she was struggling. The ring was probably given to him without thought by someone (people and companies often gift celebrities with gifts and gift bags), so he happened to have it with him that day, and Ren is quick on his feet and wanted her to stop "NGs-ing" so he gave her the ring as a confidence boast (like she said), and he forgot about it because it was not important. So, I don't think she is lying. Ren likely gave her the ring. But the ring has no special meaning.

    Also, of course, Ren has a White Day gift for Kyoko, it's just that Kyoko is unique/a little difficult (basically she not "basic") so 1) he has to choose a gift Kyoko will like and accept for Ren (remember his Queen Rose technique) and 2) Ren will choose a gift that's meaningful. And it will have way more meaning than the other gifts he's given to other female actors--knowing Ren's character, those gifts were only given out of courtesy.

    I don't think Ren actually picks out their (the other female's admirers) gifts, Yashiro probably did it. But, Ren will definitely personally pick out Kyoko's gift and he will give it to her when the moment is right!


    HCW August 23, 2017 3:05 pm

    I agree guys.. His character is something like that.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but just really want to see ren so so badly.. It's been ages we've seen these two together. Love 'em

    hunterx2 August 27, 2017 3:11 am
    (So, I posted it already, and I'm just recycling the comment). I think Ren actually gave Kimiko the ring, but I don't think he gave her to ring because he's especially close to her. Knowing Ren's character, he... @I Don't Think Kimiko is Lying

    Nah. She probably just lied to shake up Kyoko.

    HCW August 27, 2017 11:58 am
    Nah. She probably just lied to shake up Kyoko. hunterx2

    Can be.. (⊙…⊙ )

    Cinammon September 9, 2017 2:09 am
    (So, I posted it already, and I'm just recycling the comment). I think Ren actually gave Kimiko the ring, but I don't think he gave her to ring because he's especially close to her. Knowing Ren's character, he... @I Don't Think Kimiko is Lying

    even better she stole the ring xd

    Anonymous September 22, 2017 6:18 pm
    even better she stole the ring xd Cinammon

    LOL so dramatic

    Cinammon September 23, 2017 1:36 pm
    LOL so dramatic @Anonymous

    Heheh true. It will wrap things cleanly too: she stole a ring (theft) and she pushed Erika on a passing vehicule (attempted murder). It will make her completely rotten to the core. We have yet to know whether she has that kind of an evil streak in her.

HCW's questions ( All 2 )

HCW March 22, 2016 3:41 pm

I really wanna read some good yaoi like viewfinder. With some action and intense . Any suggestions guys? ( ̄へ ̄)

HCW November 18, 2015 9:04 am

I only remember the story of this manga.. It's about protecting sprites. If the this protecting spirits feelings affect to the human that they protect. Normal ppl can't see them. There's a spirits he's very fond with the boy he protects same time that boy was liked by the school doctor who has the most powerful protecting sprit. So those two spirits fall in love. That school doctor's protecting sprit is something like king of all protecting spirits. He's on earth because of his punishment.... Hope you'll help me to find it. Thank you! ╥﹏╥

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A girl who always fully enjoy in reading comics.. but when the updates on manga's become slow I go nuts :@
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