BabyCakezz followed a list
BabyCakezz created a topic of 19 Days
BabyCakezz created a topic of To be or not to be

I like how the background characters actually have weight in the mcs mind and the story acknowledges his guilt :<

BabyCakezz created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

It look like it ate a bee

i wanna peg qifrey

BabyCakezz created a topic of ENNEAD

Set hours and the foreign god are pretty entertaining

BabyCakezz created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

Pale yellow on white I could barely read it

BabyCakezz created a topic of ENNEAD

Bro do u not see what ur drawing... Liek straight up just another SA scene for no reason

Idk if it's just me but it's kinda weird to read no offense

BabyCakezz created a topic of ENNEAD

Very glad we get to see hours... I wonder what will happen when he ascends to godhood though...