Rosette created a topic of Jinx

I've read this one beforeeeeeeee

Rosette created a topic of Approximal Guide

Does anyone know where to read the nove

Why are there so many time skip, where's Cale lazing arouuund

"It's Gold plating" yeah Cale as if that's gonna change the it has GOLD IN IITTT

Rosette created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

Why is Josh eating those Candie's when he's introduced as Beta?

Rosette created a topic of Yian's Binding

Where all your organs at?!?? Did scooch over to give waaayyy?!?!

Rosette created a topic of 19 Days

That red pocket is THICKKKKK

Rosette asked a question

I saw this one manhwa panel and can't find the title (the title given in the post not the manhwa)

So basically the MC? Is running a way the morning after they do the did it's in chibi for and as he panicking he stopped and pet a dog then panic and run away, please someone tell me they recognize this paneeel

Rosette created a topic of Yian's Binding

That's one way ticket to the ER

Rosette created a topic of Bizarre restaurant

Novel readersss, will young-sik be able to maintain his human fooorm, his slime form is also cute but I want to see him play like a child and speak toooooo

Here it comes, Boulders Ancient power. Gonna bowl my eyes again for that ancient power test, Caaaaaleee T^T

Rosette asked a question

Looking for manhwa's with similar theme or vibe as Solo Farming In The Tower and Healing Life Through Camping In Another World, Thank you so much!

New art looks chunkier, but love that they're having different character silhouette. Can't wait to see the others new design

New artist? Or just the art improve? Cause Ron is looking waaaaaay different