Rosette created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I love how the author is pacing each chapter, not fast not slow enough information, I love theeeeeem

Rosette created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Every panel of this chapter brings diabetes on meeeee,

I was like, Sir what do you mean by wife???, To Miss girl knows how to lure her customer, look at Mr. Kwon melting at the thought of familyyy

Rosette created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Naah cause I serve the best for the last and read the toxic updates fiiiirst, hoping this will heal meeeeee, Still love the re-read<3

Rosette created a topic of Life Senjou no Bokura

I don't know where all this nasty comments came from, feel like they didn't understand the story at all, How realistic it is, this people are living in their own social bubble where everything is glittery if they say otherwise.

I don't know how much I re-read this master piece over the years and every time the comments are not like this, feel like some trolls are rage baiting in the comments

Rosette created a topic of Waterside Night

But not gonna lie, after l the commotion and kidnapping stuff, things are moving so fast, I think we're gonna get at least 15 chaps of side stories.

Side stories maybe they're life after this, Us seeing their stories and a glimpse of them being a background characters in Taeju'ss cousin story as bonus chapter, OOOOORRR WE'RE GONNA SEE A WEDDDDDIIIIIINGGGGGG

Rosette created a topic of Waterside Night

The way he says Taeju's name sounds so sweeeet, also after letting out a laaaughhhh

Chat is the Female lead already entered the picture? Meeting this marinate until them

Rosette created a topic of 19 Days

if I align this chapter with other special chaps with He tian and Jian Yi coming back in the present after they disappeared. This would explain why Mo is so affectionate with He tian specially after Chap 412 special.

(Forgot the chapteer) if I remember it correctly he Tian is driving a sports car when he came back with Jian Yi after missing, and Mo is also driving a scooter in that chapter, but Mo is working as a waiter (unless he's working multiple job after he stopped going to school).

But again all of the present scenarios only shows in special chapters so far

I don't know what to feel anymooooreeee, Chap 74 I'm ok with what's happening Chap 75 I'm lashing out on how stupid and asshole ML, and now this, I wanna know how authors mind workssssssa

Tang patriachbis so done with Chung myung ahhahhah

Tang Soso you're so adorably cute here

Someone's gonna get beat up

Rosette created a topic of Our Sunny Days

"Unemployed" "Father to a new baby" "THE BABY" plastered on the baby's face. AJJAHAAHHAHA This panel cracks me up

Rosette created a topic of Our Sunny Days

This so sweet and happy, but the sense of doom is creeping iiinnn, Nooooooooo I love angst but not in this oneeee, BE GONE!!!

Rosette created a topic of Kurikaeshi Ai no Oto

I don't know if I miss something but, why is she hating so baaad? I don't see any reason why, all of a sudden she's throwing tantrums and dragging everyone

Rosette created a topic of Driver's High

This chapter took this manhwa a whole 360 turn like bruh,

Rosette created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Y'aaaaaaalll, fckng won't happen until chapter 69, and we Welcome the new member of Fountain Cluuub ahaggagaga

Rosette created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Ohhh for heaven's sake, just fck already

Rosette created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

I can see the future, them becoming Theo's underlings because of their debt ahhahaha

Rosette created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I kept re-reading the same chapter every night before sleep, it's so sweet I thought I might have good dreamssss

Rosette created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Pleeeeeasee this is so sweeeeeettttt, also I know baby is just teething but it still made my teared uuuppp. I love them so much