I'll say it once, I'll say it twice. FUCK THE SEMES IM TEAM UKE. I'm really glad the uke was able to push himself away from the toxicity of the seme and all his dick moves. Hopefully he'll learn from this and we would actually see a good character development and HOPEFULLY that fucking blondie would stop trying to get "close" with the uke.
i mean all the shits aside. if this was a straight romance webtoon between candy and that blondie (the woman not the guy) I'd totally read it lol
imo, the story between candy(yunjae) and Hanjun is what makes me want to read the series and if that was taken out, it would feel kinda empty
what? what series? are there any onther manwhas related to this universe where red candy takes place? or are you talking about this one in particular?
Is this not considered a series :d?
Yeah, I mean this story in particular. I guess I used the word wrong but it’s hurting my head to think about because I’ve always referred to works/titles, shows and movies as a series. Hold on, let me go take my spontaneous brain combustion and existential crisis somewhere else...