I do not know why but my mood pattern went from high to low at chap 7-9 (maybe) and then went up again afterword. I'm a bi so i didn't take it calmly when Kurata mother didn't take or accept his sexuality. I know I shouldn't but I got so angry that I got up from sitting down and reading it quietly to storm up to my room and just slam the door for a good 5 minute in toilet. But in an all if I didn't take my stupid childish side I really like this story. It revolve around many LGBT coupled who grow through this s lot!!! I mean I am LGBT too, a BI, and I know I haven't open up to my parent just yet but if my family didn't accept me, I think I'll change from being lively person to a very quiet person for a long time until I will want to talk to them again. But then again, this is just me having a day I guess
How many rings r u going to have????? First you have the "birthday" ring, second, you have the " surprised" ring. At the same time the "engagement" ring and now u r saying the fourth, " marriage ring"? Seriously!? I though u only need one!?
Their strong kawaii love is annoying me.
To be fair, not all the rings are necessarily very expensive. Most likely just the engagement one is.
Oh ok but I'm still like.... " WHY SO MANY RINGS!?"
ikr? they just need "ONE ring to rule them all".......lol sorry I really had to
Ahhahaha it's ok I was surprised