"During the heyday of the fighting world, Hojung, known as the Indomitable Champion, hits rock botto...
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Choi Kwon is haunted by nightmares and cursed to watch those he cares about face tragic fates. Wrack...
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Chang-gyeon, the bastard third son, clawed his way to the throne in a whirlwind of chaos and blood. ...
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"Good, make me your owner." The strongest couple to conquer the other world appears!?...
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From here on out I’ll try and look for a bride. Please just help me prepare for the wedding." Geum...
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Kail Black is a soldier sent to an Antarctic research base to study supernatural phenomena. One day,...
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Jung Jaehan, a third-generation chaebol, is an influential person in the entertainment industry and ...
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[A generally cheerful leader who is scary when mad x his deputy that is actually xxx] Through obses...
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A one-night stand turns into a love story...?! Haruomi has a one-sided crush on his co-worker, Megum...
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'Drick', a mixed breed with a legend that was born from the true love between a human and ...
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Veteran Jayden is suffering from severe PTSD after losing his crush Matthew, during their deployment...
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