icy answered question about question
i have always never wanted to get married and have kids but there was a moment when my views changed. it was when i met this person. as cliche as it may be, i wanted to build a family with him. but alas, we broke up and i have promised myself to never be like that again and have the thought of getting married ever again.
icy like topic of Solo For Two

Words can't describe how happy I am to know there is some sort of progress in their relationship and it started off with the truth with Charles. Charles is a living evidence of Sasya's guilt and affections. He chose to immortalize his sin and his guilt by taking in a child that bore semblance to the lover he abandoned. I find it so pitiful and heart wrenching Sasya lived the way he did. I don't think anyone who lived a troubled and unloved life could process Karel's affections.

Karel's love was domineering and raw, someone like Sasya wouldn't be able to comprehend that. After having lived all his life that everything has a price, it was Sasya's first time to be consumed whole with Karel's love. Like food, should it ever be sentient, it does nothing but satiate our hunger. We eat food as a whole, we don't expect anything more from it but to quell our appetite. It was similar for Karel, all he wanted was Sasya in his entirety, he wanted to devour Sasya for himself without thinking asking for anything else: "just be devoured by me and be mine". But Sasya never lived to understand that.

Considering the sacrifices and tragedies Karel had to go through, it's understandable that people perceive Sasya as a scum of the earth. What he has done is unforgivable, it's immoral and truly horrible. But it isn't anything surprising. It would have been more surprising is Sasya stayed still and waiting, but no. He lived his life rotting away in temporary alcoholism and drugs, with only a moment's of peace when he is on stage or when Charles is in his arms. In addition, what Karel has become is pitiful but just as unforgivable.

To subject Sasya in the same torment is immoral. Sasya, who has never understood love, is subjected to feel something he never knew. He was forced to cling and grovel for love when he never understood what it was in the first place. I don't think there'll ever be a chance to change Sasya. In the end, his language of love has always been transactional, something more materialistic and visual. Over the years, it's simply changed how it looks. It used to be staying with Karel, lying that things were okay, making sure that Karel gets what he "paid for". And when Karel was gone, Sasya needed to continue the transaction. There came Charles who became the collector of Sasya's debt of love.

At present, Sasya still thinks of it as a transaction. He stays for what Karel as paid for. Sasya sells his heart out because he wants to be of value. In the future, it might be the same. I don't think there's anything wrong in perceiving love as such. But it is this way of living that makes people so vulnerable.

In the same way, Karel hasn't changed. His love is all-consuming and all-devouring. He is domineering and carnal. He shows his love in a way the traps and suffocates others. Back then it was a slow-damaging kind of love. It was as if Sasya was being drowned in honey. This time, Karel is drowning Sasya in love akin to hot lava.

Karel's love that asks for nothing but complete submission and devotion, whereas Sasya's love that immortalized evidence and mutual transactions. It was bound to be a tragedy. The way they perceive what love and relationships are were are opposite ends but I do believe that someday they'll come to understand each other.

I can't wait to see a happy ending between them, they deserve it after everything that's happened.

icy asked a question
icy created a topic of In the Doghouse


icy followed a goer
18 04,2024
icy asked a question

can someone recc me with a plot where they're in a fwb relationship but the other one has feelings? cuz im lowkey in one rn now i need to easeeeeee the pain. k thx

icy followed a goer
23 01,2024
icy asked a question

can someone recommend a manga that where both secretly like each other but one was afraid to commit so they ended up seperating? :'))

icy created a topic of Payback

he's so old he's almost disintegrating

icy answered question about chat about anything
4am - wake up 5am - 7am - get ready to school 7am - 5pm - school 6pm - do my chores 7am - 12am - study 1am - sleep yes i only get around 3 - 4 hours of sleep everyday when there's school. i am also still shocked how i'm still alive at this point. but i tend to laze off when around the weekends so i guess that's good
icy answered question about question
i always send this to my friends when they're doing bullshit
icy answered question about usual search on ph
icy answered question about chat about anything
rated the ones i have read. the dash means i haven't read it yet but interested and the cross means i haven't and will not read it in the future
icy answered question about your opinions
a 2 year age gap isn't big but power dynamics can still exists in this types of relationships especially when one is a minor and and the other is A LITERAL adult.
icy answered question about question
hi straight A student here. after i go home from school, i immediately write the notes i have written down on my papers to my notebook and that serves as a refresher from the lessons i have learned throughout the day. i do my assignments after that and i just listen to podcasts during that. if i have a quiz or exam the next day, i use a flashcard a......
icy asked a question

im looking for some slow burn reads that makes the ending so good that i don't regret wasting my time on in lol thx thx

icy answered question about have a habit
re-reading the same mangas every other day when i literally have over 1000+ in my "want to read" list
icy answered question about we are screwed
mine started last week and its been really great for me. being able to hang out with my friends are my highlights of the last few days. i'd say dont worry and try to enjoy the firat days of school cuz we'll be still months away from exams lol
icy answered question about favorite youtube channel
i remember suddenly waking up in 12am just to read solo levelling in my bathroom up until 4am. i don't regret it one bit

she keeps saying "if this is politics is like, can i survive here?" when she literally was an empress in her previous life