WoahMama's experience ( All 0 )

WoahMama's answer ( All 270 )

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I did it! Can I just add here for others just so people can know that reuseable pads are a thing. I personally ike reuseable pads they are a lifesaver for me. I used to get rashes with the pads, but with the cloth ones I don't and they are more comfortable and less noticeable through pants Imho. I only use them at home or on short errands, or whe......   2 reply
3 days
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Dude Idk why Dude has come back to my vocabulary again but it has arrived back. Now I say it a lot again. There's no saving me.   reply
8 days
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I have never wanted to say "Daddy" or "Mommy" to any of my partners or vice versa. I think it's funny to say/joke around with though. I will probably never do it because it would make me feel gross. My Grandma and Great Aunt calls my Great grandfather Daddy so I've only really associated Daddy with that. The only time I heard about someone actual......   reply
14 days
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You might have Tourettes. I would get checked out with a Dr. if I was you.   reply
17 days
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WoahMama 17 days
I work a small convenience store. At most there are three people there most of the time 1 or 2. I quit and returned due to desperation for a job. When I first worked there I was a manager.Every time I took a break I would have to work on it which is illegal. Even though I'm not a manager now I still have so much anxiety when I go on my breaks it s......   reply
17 days

WoahMama's question ( All 1 )

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Like I'm bored and thought this might be an interesting question and I wanted to vent. lol

I think my personal drama right now is that one of my former best friends growing up turned out to be a creep. He stopped talking to us right after graduation (blocked us on everything). 10 years later we all reconnected. He was in love with my Bestie and was being a friend to her but was also like telling me that he was planning their wedding and shit after she rejected him. He's been through 2 wives and 10 years. Why would a kid crush still be there. We had fun but he'd still do creepy things making us uncomfortable.

He then started partying with seniors in hs and hanging out with his pdfile cousin every weekend and told us at the end of our friendship he was receiving nudes from a 17-year-old. We're almost 30 it's creepy. He then Told us we couldn't be friends because he has a gf. He previously blamed the other ex's for blocking/ditching us in the past. This girl was a different teenager who turned freshly legal the day before. He is now trying to use mental health as an excuse for his creepy behavior. Trying to suicide bait us back into being friends but neither of us wants that.

Some honorable mentions of shitty things he told us in passing we thought was creepy:
Told us that he pushed someone off a ladder because he was trying to quit smoking.
Told us he only hit his ex once (talking about 2nd wife).
He was hanging out with his cousin when I was Facetiming him and his cousin brought up a girl that falsely accused him of rape. (idk if this is true but he does lack noticeable boundaries.)
Told me he didn't love his children and told bestie he planned to have kids he could see with his next gf.
Told us a girl was banned from a party from being a slut. Then admitted it was because she flirted with him knowing he had a gf. I think she was just talking to him he tends to think he's the shit. This is also how we found out he was dating a teenager telling us she was 20 when we asked.

Don't try to force a friendship with someone you find creepy even if you were best friends at one point. It's not worth it.
10 10,2024