WoahMama May 23, 2024 8:59 am

I like this so far, but who was the second person she killed? I must have missed it.

    Mangayay May 23, 2024 8:09 pm

    It would be Thomas, the person who stabbed her.

    WoahMama May 24, 2024 12:34 am
    It would be Thomas, the person who stabbed her. Mangayay

    Okay, that makes sense I must have missed when they mentioned it.

WoahMama May 16, 2024 11:07 pm

I might not know much about growing plants, but this kind of bothers me. Rice is Grown in flooded fields and seeds do have an expiration date. You can't just grow something from damaged seeds. Like for someone aiming to be a farmer they should know that. especially since they seemed to be aiming for rice in particular.

    CuddleQuill May 17, 2024 3:51 pm

    Well, it’s a magic world! Most things are possible! Sure, from a realistic standpoint this doesn’t make sense. But Erica (our MC) has been adapting to being in a fantasy world and is hoping for what would be impossible in reality. And it seems like (from the most recent chapter) that the seeds can be revived from their dormant state. (I said “dormant” because the blue-haired kid said that there was still life in the seeds in their dried states.)

    JayJay (I'm back!) May 17, 2024 8:20 pm

    The seeds are expired but she'd trying to find the "magic spell" that can revive them, which is definitely possible in a magical world, I guess

WoahMama May 11, 2024 10:40 pm

Why would he need an excuse to expel him? He escaped an island prison wouldn't that make him a wanted man?

WoahMama May 4, 2024 10:06 pm

I think it's all right story, but there are a few major things that bother me about this. I'm in a ranting mood today sorry.

They've been chasing her for years, but there's a 6 year difference. Like you don't think about it when you're an adult, but like that's too big a difference especially since she's only been an adult for a couple of years. I may have missed how long she knew them, but it was at least before she graduated because he just got back from military service which is usually 2 years. The author should have made the age gap closer by maybe 2 to 3 years but made it creepy that they were literally chasing after a child while an adult in the past.

They also got her drunk and stripped her naked and were naked themselves. Insinuating they were going to rape her cause she mentioned a threesome with "strangers" on the internet. This could have been told differently. There was no conversation about hooking up before stripping her. This could have been told differently.

They also had no prep anal which is honestly the worst. As someone who's experienced that it's fucking awful. It is not that easy to put it in and dry anal hurts and is not pleasurable, especially your first time.

    Kkaell June 1, 2024 7:52 pm


    Kkaell June 1, 2024 7:56 pm

    Youre so real for this, worst part is that they met her when they were 11 I think? Then she would be 4 which they didn't even have romantic feelings for her(which I hope they don't) and only have seen her as a sister,
    The 2nd one I so so agree,,,if those were 2 ugly strangers literally people who are obsessing over that would be FURIOUS.
    Everytime at all they ruin it so bad,and you can tell the author likes it and (probably) fantasize about it

    WoahMama June 21, 2024 9:37 pm
    Youre so real for this, worst part is that they met her when they were 11 I think? Then she would be 4 which they didn't even have romantic feelings for her(which I hope they don't) and only have seen her as a ... Kkaell

    Honestly, it probably is a fantasy. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a self-insert and the author/artist is fantasizing over their older siblings' friends lol

WoahMama March 9, 2024 9:24 pm

I like this story so far, but he's such a pos I hope she gets away and he dies alone.

WoahMama December 21, 2023 2:30 am

Umm.....you catching him trying to stab Emily and him bashing your face in is not enough proof? Let alone the witness for the first time she was attacked isn't enough to bring suspicion.....I don't get it I must be an idiot.

    Kurogane December 21, 2023 5:49 am

    There was no witness to that, also it would make her reveal that Cecil is Cecilia. Also they said that since he is backed up by a bigger noble, then Cecilia's testimony would be overruled.

    WoahMama December 21, 2023 6:21 pm
    There was no witness to that, also it would make her reveal that Cecil is Cecilia. Also they said that since he is backed up by a bigger noble, then Cecilia's testimony would be overruled. Kurogane

    Okay so then I am an idiot lol

WoahMama December 17, 2023 8:38 am

Does Anyone know where you can buy the books? I can't seem to find them.

WoahMama December 8, 2023 5:01 pm

Maybe I misread the whole conversation, but to respond to "You'll execute me once you get bored with me" with "Even so I have feelings for you now". Bro, Did you just admit you might execute her when you get bored of her wtf. I would hightail my ass outta there if I was her.

WoahMama December 5, 2023 8:40 am

How many different names are they going to call her? Eve, Ivy, Ibelia, Vivian? Like this is going to eventually get confusing if a set name isn't used for each chapter.

WoahMama November 22, 2023 3:14 am

This story was a bit confusing for me It's probably cause I'm dumb as shit, but I can't find the motives behind most of the stuff. I also feel like some things are placed in there without context. I'm so angry that she ended up with him. He's an emotionally abusive POS who got her brother killed. He only wanted her to suffer and rely on him. I think the ending would have been better with him dying, her being sad about it and her and her son figuring out how to live without him. Not everything has to have "happy" endings.

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