Turkey Tuesday November 26, 2020 3:08 pm

Why is this even continuing. All it does is paint Sehyun as this painfully pitiful character. Can you please allow us to feel anything other than pity for him?
Being helpless is like his only character trait, Jesus anything else would do at this point. OP is just trying to gain pity points from the reader and the story is just getting shallower and shallower as a result
this entire chapter was pointless. Why was he kidnapped, only to be raped once and then set free by his captor after a seemingly tame conversation. Jeez, just look at this shit
“ooga booga he’ll be back”
“None of them know true pain”
“You’ll just be thrown away”
This is starting to sound like a subplot to a shitty shounen anime

Man On Mars October 5, 2020 4:31 am

/ / Alternative title “Drugged and Raped by a Deceitful Sadist”

I was expecting kinky SM play, not sedative usage and rape in just the first two chapters. Talk about a misleading title.

Bloody Tuesdays October 4, 2020 9:42 pm

Yellow was looking a bit sus there

Turkey Tuesday November 26, 2020 3:07 pm

Lmao what the fuck is this.
The story is bland the characters are shallow this shit has like no redeeming qualities.
There’s virtually no chemistry between Noah and Sam. They meet. They fuck. And then they throw around the big L word after knowing each other for like 3 weeks.
in the end I only kept reading for the sex scenes and even those are god fucking awful. To be fair though, Noah is pretty cute in some of those panels.
the chapters are short but it’s impossible for me to get through this in one sitting without stopping every 3 panels to just laugh at the shit before my eyes for a good 2 minutes.

3 stars +1 cause this shit is hilarious

Turkey Tuesday November 26, 2020 3:07 pm

Why is Sehyun just this painfully pitiful character. It seems a large majority of his character is just him being the damsel in distress.
Not that I’m not enjoying the story nonetheless, it’s just annoying when one of the main traits for a character in a manga/manhwa is that they’re just painfully helpless when it comes to literally anything. I like Sehyun. I’d just like him a lot more if I wasn’t feeling pity towards him in every single chapter. I just wish there was more to his character.
just as he begins to escape that role of the damsel and we’re starting to feel happy for him and Boris rather than feeling bad and pitiful, he gets fucking kidnapped.

Turkey Tuesday November 26, 2020 3:07 pm

Alright, who’s the fucker who thought they had something
How do you come up with this plot, story board, draw the panels, proof read and STILL decide it’s a good idea to publish this shit?

Bloody Tuesdays September 29, 2020 7:05 pm

All my homies hate anyone who isn’t Sehyun and Boris

Mr. 2021 Tuesday January 4, 2021 12:53 am

Taku is too pushy. He’s obviously not endgame, you can all stop reading now.

    lavender September 29, 2020 6:49 pm


    kewlkitty September 29, 2020 10:45 pm

    i kinda agree but i think it’s because he’s scared of losing haesoo he’s new to this he’s never had feelings for someone like this but i agree he is pushy

    Tuesday January 19, 2021 4:25 pm

    I called it.

Turkey Tuesday November 26, 2020 3:06 pm

The ending is certainly a little more on the anticlimactic side in my opinion but I’ve been following this Manhwa for quite some time and it’s still one of the best Shounen Ai I’ve read in a while. Beautiful art, great character development. Gets a standing ovation from me.
Looking forward to the side stories.

Bloody Tuesdays September 26, 2020 7:41 pm

That boy’s looking pretty sus

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