Waiting on Coyote but this will do.

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I found the raws it has 2 more chapters on russian. Since im only good at translating I dont think i can upload it since idk how to typeset or even upload mangas here xc but i can ask if the person who im working with on this manga is okay with helping me to work on that manga after we are done with this :’)

This shit is hilariously ridiculous. Pittman goes back and fourth between being an asshole bitch in heat 24/7 and role playing a loving hubby. One second Yeonwoo hates Pittmans guts for the multiple instances of rape and pheromone usage and the next he’s contemplating whether to actually love this mf or not and regretting not being able to have saved him in the past. Like, he raped you. There’s no contemplation to do, he’s just a bitch. Wasn’t he just enacting his revenge 3 chapters ago? Now he’s suddenly infatuated with his rapist and wants to save him. They’re all so dumb. Also this chapter makes no fucking sense. I get the author just wants to cash in on that money money but they’re just dragging this shit fest on for too long.

37 chapters and 75% of them have been nothing but sex & rape with no actual story progression. Not that the story was any good to begin with, I’d just much rather see the progression of this shitty story than Soo-Young & others being beaten, raped & sexually assaulted for seemingly no reason or for reasons that add nothing to the story.

What is Isis talking about. The competition wasn’t fair from the beginning, and she knew this, else she wouldn’t have cheated the entire competition. She even acknowledges that receiving help makes Horus feel weak when he tells her so, yet here she is proposing a handicap on the competition. She’s insulting his abilities right in front of him.
Horus clearly doesn’t have interest in the throne, but if Isis truly wanted him to be King, she would allow him to prove himself worthy of the throne with his own strength instead of instilling a sense of weakness in Horus by constantly providing him with unwanted help.

Well that depends on what kind of strength you think someone needs to show in order to deserve being king. If you ask the humans to choose and they can only choose between having a physically strong but morally weak king and having a physically average but morally strong king, I'd bet they'd choose the physically average but morally strong king anytime.

Ok but the humans currently have no say. Horus hasn’t even been given a chance to display his true physical strength through these competitions due to Isis’ interferences. They’re not asking the humans, they’re competing in front of the Gods and the Gods care not for morality but merely for who wins the competition. If the Gods cared for morality, Ra would have disqualified Horus. I’m sure she knew his boat wasn’t actually made of stone. Horus has barely used his own strength, be it physically or mentally, to achieve victory thus far, and he expresses to Isis that this makes him feel weak because he isn’t yet a God, and she’s *still* proposing a handicap and not allowing Horus to use his own strengths.

Well, I don't think Isis, Anubis, and the other people who want Horus to be king even in spite of Horus' own wishes, and even in spite of his apparent physical "weakness", are acting all that wrong by not letting Horus "make his own choices and find his own strength", etc etc. Because this certainly isn't about Horus' own wishes (and that's why Sekhmet even calls Horus out on his bullshit fleeting desire to leave the throne to Seth as compensation for having raped him in chapter 37). Rather than about Horus' wishes, thus, this is about saving Egypt, and Horus doesn't even need to stay king for long, if he really doesn't want to, as he could always be just a temporary king that takes care of things for a while till they can all pick someone else who'd be better than both Seth and whoever gets to replaces him.
Moreover, all cheating and rule-breaking aside. the matches are not to find out who's overall stronger, as it's obviously Seth and they don't need the matches to figure that out. The matches are meant to find out who's stronger in a set of *equal* conditions, in other words, find out who's stronger when the two of them (Horis and Seth) are made to compete on an *equal* footing. And to be able to do that, they need to limit Seth's powers in order to bring them slightly down while boosting Horus' skills to bring him slightly up, so that the two of them (Horus and Seth) can meet each other halfway. That's why the gods accepted that Horus use the limited powers he borrowed from other gods' blessings, while choosing to make Seth compete in the water (which is obviously out of his element), and it's also why now Seth the expert divine hunter, would need a penalty in order to stand on equal footing with Horus, the inexperienced human-like demigod. That's why, it's a legitimate demand that Maat (the goddess of justice) is willing to comply with, and as such it's not the same as the kind of cheating that Isis, Horus and Anubis have been covertly doing behind Maat's back.

Horus’s weakness is apparent. My problem lies more with Isis publicly speaking up as if the rest of the completed was fair. She didn’t propose a handicap in the first competition. Granted, Seth was fighting in the water, however the advantage he held over Horus was still great. She did not propose a handicap in the second competition, although Anubis came along to help, despite it being pretty obvious that he would have had trouble without interference. Why does she not just cheat now? She was already insulting Horus’s abilities and disregarding how he felt towards the cheating, so why does she not just cheat instead of asking Maat to put Seth at a clear disadvantage in front of the rest of the Gods?
I doubt this competition was supposed to set Seth and Horus on equal footing. Even with all the competitions involving water, Seth is still stronger than Horus. He’s a god and Horus, at the moment, is nothing but a demigod. Isis and Anubis would not have had to interfere had the competition already set Seth and Horus on equal footing. Isis would not have had to go behind Ra’s back and cheat, the Gods would have just given Horus an even bigger advantage if they cared about bringing Seths abilities down to the same level as Horus.
From where I stand, it isn’t possible to truly assess whether Horus is worthy of the throne with all the help he’s receiving. He’s having everything done for him. He hasn’t displayed his mental strengths or showed us that he has the ability to persevere despite being a demigod competing against a full fledged god. Of course, I’d still say he’s still more worthy than Seth, who culled the people who he swore to protect, but i just find it ridiculous that Isis would only now call out how unfair the competition is instead of just going through with her cheating as she did previously. She quite literally put Horus on blast and called him weak in front of the Gods. Continuing to cheat would have been less of an insult to his abilities than that.
Dude what kind of mental illness is “I can’t stand the thought of there being rumors spread about me behind my back”? So vague.
maybe social anxiety.
It would be better if it was said he got traumatic experience
Most likely paranoia
Most likely anxiety.