1. He had beef with the Blind Play author. The author didn’t want her work uploaded, so the first uploader dropped it. After Season 2 of the manhwa was released, JJC picked it up, which upset the author. She put a bounty on him, offering $1,000 to anyone who could provide JJC’s personal information so she could sue him. JJC got upset about this......
A lot of Chinese bl sadly the art just seems weird to me like it's kinda water colors(?) And I'm just not into it
I was actually agreeing with the OP until I saw their replies to some of the comments disagreeing with them... And them acting like a child and throwing temper tantrums and insulting people, the very thing they are criticizing here. I agree with you on the fact that people are allowed to criticize mangas without stans shitting on you, but mangago u......