You don't act possessive like that over you best friend, especially when you already have your own girl friend. He's definitely feeling more for her, but haven't realised it. He's probably thought of her like a constant presence that'll always be devoted to him... Too bad he lost his shot with her, but he had 7 years

I like his dominant attitude. It's nice to see a bottom dominating.
Also, I'm more and more sure his pregnant. Firstly from how season one ended (and he was knotted!), and also in how all the alphas suddenly notice his gender. He's probably having a radiance, or a slight change smell, that's basically unnoticeable atm causing alphas to notice him as an omega. And how he seem to be subconsciously touching his stomach.
The confession made me nervous. I'm so happy it was all in the director head after watching the K-Drama.
Also, I wonder what she really said to him? I mean, her feelings have already shifted to the director
Girl hold up ....there's a kdrama?!?!!!
Nah forget it ....I understand what you meant now
Haha yeah. His grandpa seems to enjoy it.
But I don't get the bff. What did he expect? For her to wait forever?
Nah I don't undertsnad him too....is it for her to break up and date him instead?!?......
Probably? What else does he want? He knows she's single, and he just broke up with his gf as well... Maybe he finally confessed cuz he saw she was about to get a bf?
But he got 7 years.... Did he bring all those gf to check her reaction? What a scummy squid!
No....is didnt know she was single yet....he confessed just like that....that's what pissing me off.....why is he asking her to date him when she already is dating someone else....
Well not really. He saw the fight between them, and saw that she said she never wanted to see the director again. He therefore assumes she is free, even if the director is still chasing her