That concubine really chose the wrong moment to approach him. He's not present mentally...she really should sense the mood..
Anyway, the current emperor being horrified of his past reincarnations memories is such a good thing. Wonje had love for him somewhere but it was twisted to the point he became yandere. He was willing to cripple him if thank meant he wouldn't run. He was willing to poison him, in order to be embraced.
I really hope the current emperor takes lessons and shower him with love this time, and don't cage him in.
I don't care if he sent diapers or helped with money. He's still a sperm donor and has yet to raise the child....
I wonder if he's fated to die young because someone is after him, or that's what will happen if he's removed from the kid and ML?
Why is his aura so ill fated? I wonder what that fortune telling grandpa will find