If you are comfortable with who you are, other people's opinions should not matter to you unless you are causing harm to yourself or others. If you like gay porn or yaoi, go big. Nothing is wrong with it as long as it's legal and preferably in the privacy of your own home...or another consenting persons home. Just don't be watching it in public.
I am disabled from birth. My husband and I are going on (nearly) twenty years together and he pursued me. He doesn't have a disability.
Now, a bit of background: I was bullied a lot as a kid. Anyway, in high school health class, our teacher had us line up and then she went down the line and asked each of us what superpower we would have and why it would help us in our daily lives. I was the last person to go, and I said "mind control" and so the teacher was like "why?" and I said, ......
Opinions of an American trump supporter