**PLEASE READ BEFORE ANSWERING** Hello, asker here! I just wanted to say that when I wrote this I was in a really bad mood. I had just seen an entire thread on how fem gay men in yaoi where gross and basically women. And a lot of people agreed so I wanted to vent a little. ALSO, I didn't know that fujoshi was a general term for all female yaoi r......
I've read yaoi with smut in a funeral. And a random guy I didn't know just comes up to me and literally whispers "sauce" in my ears and I was just standing there like "wtf", I did tell him the sauce and we talked about yaoi and he revealed that he's bisexual, and we're friends now
Too much shits bro I bite my nails, scratch my tiddies and scalp 24/7, bite off the skin on my lips, blink too much, shake my legs, rest my hand on my pussy, grind my teeth together, talk to myself, rock myself back and forth, and am pretty much always masturbating when my ass got nothin' else to do.
5 Question for fujoshis from a gay guy