Itzarit created a topic of BIBLIOMANIA

Can't understand why ppl speak about this manga like it's a masterpiece. The art is very beautiful, but the story left me disappointed. I can KINDA gleam some overall message about information and consumerism, but it seems kinda pointless. I was expecting it to dive into psychological horror and end with a real mind fuck, but it was just. Fantasy. Bleh. You guys need to read more. You're waaay too easily impressed.

Itzarit created a topic of The Stalker is Trapped

I honestly thought her past was gonna be more of a problem, that she'd be rlly opposed to dating him or marrying him because of the whole "love always ends!" And, like. I prefer endings that don't drag out with too much dumb drama but it still feels like a bit of a waste.

Itzarit created a topic of My Little Gurdian Angel

omg didn't even realize this was genshin my only thought was "theY GAVE HIM THAT DICK AND BARELY DID ANYTHING WITH IT???"

Itzarit created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

The top is so weird I love him so much lmaoo

Itzarit created a topic of Paper Flower

SOMEONE HOLD MY HAND IS THE SPIN-OFF FINALLY HAPPENING!?! Is the general gonna find himself a boyfriend in his hometown??? OMG I hope they're a cutie. I'm so excited!!!

Itzarit created a topic of Hakuroku wa Ai wo Utau

Usually these "even tho I love you too I can't accept your feelings for vague reason :/" sorta plots just piss me off but with the age gap it's more understandable. I'm genuinely invested.

Itzarit created a topic of Her ShimCheong

this is definitely one of my favorite love stories EVER.
horribly relateable. also, so happy for Doki that got two moms lol

Itzarit created a topic of Peach Sorbet

When the artist said that Moa was their favorite character I thought " tell me something I don't know lol" Every single person in the story is endlessly understanding, forgiving, and receptive of every single of Moa's issues...... Like, damn. I can go missing for like a year and nobody would notice lmfao

Itzarit created a topic of At the End of the Haze

Big fan of this artist's style that looks like both anime but also cartoonish. But they have no idea how to put together a story. The protagonist's personality kept changing to force conflict. All of it felt forced, nothing flowed naturally. I hope this artist's next story is with a different writer lmao Because I rlly love their style but the plot was just not it

Itzarit created a topic of One-punch Man

I'm honestly not invested at all in this current arc lmao but I am curious about how Saitama is going to fit into it all. It's getting a bit tiring that he always just walks into situations & is never genuinely involved with anything because he doesn't really care about anything (besides Genos)............ I know that's part of his character development but it really is becoming a slowburn lmfao

Itzarit created a topic of One Summer Day

What are you guys on about plot in a story with a Smut tag?? If anything, this chapter was a perfect blend of both smut AND plot because they're literally messing around to ignore their problems lmao

Itzarit created a topic of Moretones

Weirdly relatable??? A lot of the feelings were very real. Dealing with people with mental illness, you know they can't help some of their abusive behaviors but the resentment still builds up over time. You love them but still know the only way you'll ever have a peaceful life is if you cut them out of your life. You love them but some days you're scared of them. It's a horrible way to live. It just drains the life out of you. Even if most people don't think they deserved a happy ending, I'm really happy they did. It made me feel a little optimistic.

Itzarit created a topic of To deny the route

Wait whaaaaat. The ending felt so summarized I thought it was gonna be one of those "then I woke up & it was all a dream...." moments.... I mean, it was obvious how it was going to end, but it was a lot of setup for barely a payoff..... I was shown heaven then was immediately kicked out...... I also wanted to see the freckled roommate give the ring to the other. I wanted to see the black-haired guy's reaction so badly ahhh.

This was waaaay cuter than I was expecting. I didn't think I'd like it so much but the innocent way the main couple fell in love was so sweet it legit had me giggling and kicking my feet lmao If I have ONE complaint is that I wish the protagonist being a writer would've been used in any way. I was expecting him to use his writing skills at least once but he never did anything besides cooking lol

I'm asexual so I'd feel annoyed romancing either guy or girl and I STILL thought the protagonist was a pain in the ass for not just sucking it up and romancing someone so he could get back home. I know that's the whole gimmick of the story but he even got depressed about it like..... Bro. Is your frail masculinity worth abandoning your family over. C'mon. It really was just 27 chapters where the whole punchline was always "isn't two guys being together kinda weird?" Like..... Okay. I guess.

Itzarit created a topic of The Promise

It started out so well but then the protagonist choices just kept me thinking "AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE SMART?" WHO WOULD BELIEVE THIS MF HAS HIGH IQ? HE ONLY STAYED ALIVE OUT OF PLOT ARMOR. It was such an interesting setting but the logic of the plot was so frustrating to me lmao

Not all stories need to be heavy in plot & emotional character development, or whatever. This is just a simple puppy-love romance. I love stories like this. Where the main conflict is just that they like each other too damn much lmao I wish we'd gotten a side-story of them living together in college, or as working adults, at least......

I know you guys are disappointed Yuri didn't get a side-story, but tbh I was paying more attention to the cute best friend with the big blue eyes. I was rlly praying he'd get a little romance too even tho I knew he wouldn't.... lol

Itzarit created a topic of Ookami no Hanayome

I love you, Louie, but wasn't your priority getting your husband & the soldiers back home without any more bloodshed??? I'm guessing the deal being broken off is somehow still going to end the war, but why would you allow even the slimmest chance of it not ending??? Ahhhhhhhhhh. Just give us the happy ending already, I've had enough of this angst LMAO

This could have easily been like 50 chapters why did they speedrun it????