Nakyum is legit the ugliest shit I've ever seen. People be defending him like he's some virginal creation of the Greek Gods themselves but he looks as if 200 buff men stepped on him at the same time then sprayed him with anti bug formula. And his face is the result of someone pumping an helium balloon till its second away from bursting, because he's always pouting and shit.
If Painter of the Night's Seme was ugly, fat, small dick and smelly , Painter of the Night would be classified as a Slice of Life, Psychological manhwa and people would write paragraph long essays about how Nakyum has severe case of Stockholm Syndrome. But now the only thing, the fans are focusing on is character development from the seme so he can pound the Uke's soft ass until it breaks into half, fusing an explosive gush of white semen and red blood and yellow urine like a volcanic eruption. Get Help.

lmao it’s literally a fictional webtoon, no one forced you to sit here and read it weirdo, if you dislike the characters and plot that much you can do this crazy thing where you just don’t read it!!! Do you perhaps wish Nakyum was ugly and smelly so you’d feel represented and relate to him or something lol

True . True . All true but you forgot about one thing .. it's that this is a historical manhwa would you be someones maid? Would you call someone my lord? Would you let people classify you as trash and stomp on you if you do "something wrong". Of course not the author used the historical theme to discard that problem.. the thing about stockholm syndrome is true tho that will never change because it's a phycological thing .. and the talk about appearance is true two because if the seme was ugly or the uke was ugly people wouldn't say this is "cute'' or "toxically sexy" so i agree i just wated to mention some things you forgot

True . True . All true but you forgot about one thing .. it's that this is a historical manhwa would you be someones maid? Would you call someone my lord? Would you let people classify you as trash and stomp on you if you do "something wrong". Of course not the author used the historical theme to discard that problem.. the thing about stockholm syndrome is true tho that will never change because it's a phycological thing .. and the talk about appearance is true two because if the seme was ugly or the uke was ugly people wouldn't say this is "cute'' or "toxically sexy" so i agree i just wanted to mention some things you forgot

There are multiple essays and deep analysis written about this story; from character overview/development, to light and dark motifs, to symbolism within the candles and moon, etc. we evaluate the physiological aspect of this story as well, all it takes is for you to pay close attention to detail and do a little research. Therefore, your second paragraph is irrelevant. BD has outstanding skills so of course her characters will look amazing, plus let people enjoy the story as this is a work of fiction. Why shame others for enjoying art?
PS. Nakyum is beautiful, I'd recommend going to get your eyes checked. Here's a link that might help! https://www.allaboutvision.com/locator/#/


Clearly you can’t see a good manga when you see one. This manga is so good, the plot, the characters, and the art are all so amazing. Yeah it’s a little slow on the romance. But I’m not bored, those who actually come here for the plot, should know it’s really good. I love everything about this, and the author is doing such an amazing job. You’re just being a petty troll, seeking attention, like the a leech. Go leave your negativity somewhere else, you’re clearly not wanted here, sweetie

Chowon is very gray. On one side he likes the beta and on the other he wants to be with Dojun? And when something bad happens he immediately turns to suicide? His actions are very large, there's no space in them. And someone who acts on impulses, is the most dangerous since their next move can be very unpredictable like Chowon. And homeboy's not taking em meds.
Anyways this whole story is shitty expect for the second couple, forever Dojun and Heesoo.
Im glad Mo Guan pushed He Tian away!
He Tian has always been pushy when it comes to Mo Guan, making him to things Mo doesn't want to partake in. The way he grabs Mo's clothes for instance and directs him towards places to go, things to do, etc, shows his pushy character. I dont hate He Tian, but I think the guy needs some space. He needs to be apart from Mo for a little while and realise how to treat a friend correctly. This reaction was expected. Mo has reached his limit when he found out he got fired from his job. He Tian is always messing with Mo at his job, to the point where, one time Mo Guan had his salary cut down! Does this effect He Tian? No, because he is drowning in money. He doesn't realise the extent of his actions and the consequences on others around him.
Im glad Mo Guan is taking a stance!
Yes! Exactly!