what is up with people getting so defensive over readers being unsatisfied with the story?
the comments are here to express our thoughts, even if they're negative ....
If you disagree with someone, it's easier to not try and fight over it..(?) everyone has different tastes and opinions.

Some possible explanations that cane to my mind. While it may seem atrocious to you, there's people who cannot drop something when they started it.
Some are atill hoping for the story to get better despite their dramatic hate towards certain things ir actions have been displayed.
And lastly. You know those people who watch the nastiest, corniest, cheesiest, most horrible romance or whatever kind of movies? Yeah, people like consuming media that is just shit. Not saying this story is shit(i may think so or not), but theres a lot of people who like consuming media or things despite knowing its not good in general or even not good for them.

Attachment (?). They're attached not only on the story but the people coming to read the story. This is a genuine reply of mine, I've been to healthy manhwas but I've noticed that the comsec there are not as lively and busy and crowdy as here. So,one reason why people are always here despite the toxicity of the story is to interact with other people.
If we talk about toxicity,Jinx is not the only manhwa with toxic ml and plot. Actually,there are more with much darker plots and mls but why Jinx is popular? Because of the readers and the comments. In today's media,the more bashers,the more incomes. Before,during,and after the chapter release,jinx dominates socmed ( like now, it's Dan's birthday and I've seen in my fb acc a single post with 20 thousand likes and hearts ). Since jinx is popular in socmed that's why people came here to socialize.
it's so healthy and so hot at the same time !!
no unnecessary drama, they communicate good, a great casual and pleasant read, it didn't feel like 50 chapters at all :-)
I think the other characters could've been more fleshed out – I didn't really feel the need to see more of the second couple honestly; but still entertaining anyway
feel free to share if you know more BLs such as this one ლ(´ڡ`ლ)