I knew it ash had his reason and that reason is very very clear because how can you just elope with someone else and come back thinking someone who’s got his life together and a new partner take you back what was hazel expecting and the fact that he said that ash always takes him back was a punchable reason too because who tf are you. Well anyways even tho I wished that Lyle would of made the first step to talk I still love how ash made it very clear to Lyle that it’s only him and that it will always be him and now I am all happy again (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Lyle is clearly and over thinker he communicates on a level where he can’t express his worries and feeling yet openly. He is insecure about their relationship he loves ash very much but he also makes to many comparisons with hazel which deepens his worries and makes the situation even more frustrating and now with hazel appearing Lyle probably won’t make the first step in talking with ash, hazel better not try to hug or kiss because then I would complete lose my mind here (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Sorry but no matter how open or considerate someone is friends should never give out their other friends number especially when ash clearly is done with hazel there is a reason why ash moved on and didn’t plan to be in further contact or hold up contact with hazel so I won’t blame ash that he didn’t say anything since he clearly set his boundary and is only focused on lyle only, and mind you he lost lyle once best believe he won’t take that chance twice

Me too I feel like lyle will have it very hard and even harder to understand his feelings lyle seems like an overthinker that’s what makes the situation pressure him more and more I just hope ash sees that lyle is very troubled and approaches him about hazel to resolve this matter quick because I want happiness (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Like the duke said the Enemy is within the emperors four walls and he still wanted shuelina back as a princess in the palace, the fact that he announced something so Privat to the world to hear make him a useless emperor who thinks about himself and is blinded by not realizing what kind of target he put on her back AGAIN and mind you how come the duke has a suspect in mind and the emperor does not while the red heads are informs of his eyes can’t he sense the evil from them like he ain’t even worth a father because the duke thought and respect shuelinas decision and feelings not his own that’s a father

Fuck I hate the emperor she might be his daughter but doesn’t he see that she would be unhappy and scared her body language clearly express her dissatisfaction and he still pushes and forces her like the grand duke said it’s her decision royal or not she feels uncomfortable around him and the red heads he can’t protect her from what will happen if she moves into the palace shuelina will face grave danger and he doesn’t see it cuz of his pride and mistake that caused shuelina to be in this situation in the first place
Ugh pleaaassseeee the love I have for them, they are just sooo cute. lyle you can do it go for it I am rooting for you we are rooting for youuuuuuu (≧∀≦)