miyakiyoomi created a topic of Jinx

the coaches/manager are fucking useless lmao

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The bandaids ><

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Smxksksjsokskssjskkssjxoskkssk best view

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Dan looks so squishy here

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miyakiyoomi created a topic of Polar Bunny
miyakiyoomi created a topic of Ayashii Houmonsha

She’s literally not like the other girls

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Ok now this made me guffaw… there’s a titan inside

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miyakiyoomi created a topic of Jinx

Holy fucking shit I wanted that threesome !!!!!!!

Just reread this and my it was just as desperate and rotten and hopeful and warm when I first read it. Not everything is pure and straight to the point as some of you fucking insist on. Finish reading it. I’m not gonna spoil it for you (bruv there’s a fucking clue on the first chapter). I’m so happy for Reo <3

miyakiyoomi created a topic of Jinx
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Hell yeah partner

miyakiyoomi add 1 photos to ya01

Kai is so cool as a person honestly

miyakiyoomi created a topic of Jinx

Aaaaayyyy that’s my boi (jaekyung)

The story didn’t feel fleshed out and it really felt like we skipped some parts lol. Tbh i could excuse a weak plot if the smut was good, but nada. This should’ve stayed in the drafts.

miyakiyoomi created a topic of Jinx

Heesung is so sweet I hope him and Dan can fuck lol. Anw I know he’s a potential antagonist (or catalyst heheueheu), but I really like the pretty boy but actually manipulative trope so I’m looking forward to him. The only thing I’m thinking off his who would be the Seme…