Unpopular opinion, but as a diehard team taku, the character I hate the most isn’t even choowon. It’s haesoo. He never cared about other’s feelings, he was always in it for the sex and that’s CANNON. He knew he couldn’t love taku back yet he still lead him on, and then when the right excuse came, he cheated on him with no hesitation. I personally think that haesoo x choowon would be a very toxic pair due to so many reasons, such as choowons fame, their family background, haesoos sociopathic behavior, but dude, fuck it, all I wish for at this point is a conformation from the author that they’re doing alright together, and a 20 chapter side story about taku finding the love he deserves.
(Go on, hit me with them downvotes y’all, I’m a fujoshi, you can’t hurt me anymore)
The update is today ahhhhhh