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woo January 26, 2025 8:31 pm

How did this get a par score? This is just a great example of a person when given a chance they will take it for granted, that person will always choose to make another fuck up decision.

woo January 26, 2025 8:21 pm

This is such a good read omg. I was a bit skeptical about this since i read a similar one that is digital based theme(?) and I dropped it but this one i was hooked i literally only finished for almost a whole day. I am obviously hooked with how it caught me off guard with the theme and the story or basically the whole of it, I am obsessed! omg you do not get it! The protagonist is lowkey relatable and not a copy pasta plant, and with how its information and theme surrounded by digital and network knowledge? as well as incorporating the game from it oh my god if i could support the author i would but I’m still a student sadly. Credits to the author for making a great manga read.

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