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nie wiem(200) 2021-02-21 0
nie wiem 2 (26 luty) (200) 2022-06-09 0
nie wiem 3 (10 czerwca) (200) 2023-12-30 0
nie wiem 4 (30 grudnia 2023)(174) 2025-02-24 0

Bożydar (*˙︶˙*)ノ's topics ( All 7 )

Lai_seks March 18, 2021 7:38 am

It should be a new chapter of master of master.... So why is it showing me a new chapter of love tractor or something like that? JDHXHD LMAO

    keroker0 March 18, 2021 7:39 am

    literally I was sitting here so confused LMAAAOAO

    Lai_seks March 18, 2021 7:44 am
    literally I was sitting here so confused LMAAAOAO keroker0


Lai_seks January 3, 2021 10:47 am

He's liked him for so long so ofc his feelings won't just dissapear
Still I feel bad for Hwi, its gonna hurt him when he finds out about it I think
Damn I hate that it has to be so complicated

Bożydar (*˙︶˙*)ノ's questions ( All 2 )

Lai_seks March 4, 2021 1:25 pm

I remember reading this manga where FL is transgender, and she used to have a crush on a boy in their school
Few years later they meet each other or something like that, I'm not sure
Oh and she was afraid of having sex with him

Lai_seks March 4, 2021 12:43 pm

Im looking for straight wholesome manga
Can be smut, but with longer relationship development (I don't want them to fuxk first time they see each other BXBXHD)

Something like talk to me would be good (I tried to read the missing O but it's not what I wanted)

Bożydar (*˙︶˙*)ノ's favorite ( All 2 )

Butterflies (1) - BL 01-23 23:29
Make your fictional character 05-09 21:41

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