Ugh I just can’t get over the fact that she didn’t tell him bout being kissed that piece of fuckin trash. And she had the nerve to say “no you can’t act like a victim??” Wtf shouko please do better. And she didn’t even tell him the whole truth like jun doesn’t know what you doing at fujimura’s house. I just feel like they should’ve talked more before going straight to sex. I hope she cuts that guy off cuz why would you hit on a woman who obviously has a boyfriend like don’t you know you lose them how you get them? And I’m pretty sure that she was alone in his house cuz his creepy ass told the coworkers to leave for a moment so he can try to swoop in and sexually harass her ugh I loved this story so much bro they should’ve never included this dumb arc. Sorry for the rant but I hate cheating arcs especially if there’s actually cheating involved.