The spoilers are confusing me, so basically George is Hugh's lover??

You're absolutely welcome xx and it's more of a protection thing I believe? He still gets hurt as we've seen, but at the end of the day he answers to Hugh so if Hugh doesn't like something then Simon and Jerome can't do it. Also if you clocked Hugh was the only one inside, Jerome and Simon were just there off to the side. If I find out some more spoilers I'll let you know! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

it's not really that. george is basically hugh's lover bc they love each other, although it's moreso george is completely submissive to hugh and deluded himself due to stockholm syndrome. so ig he can be considered to still be hugh's bitch. but in this game they're playing on tormenting mc to force him to submit like a dog, there's no boundaries or possessiveness involved, it's a brutal game of dominance while hugh is the ringleader. yk how some men think raping other men asserts their superiority bc it's the most fucked up thing u can do to fuck up a man's mind? that's his thinking. and he made it a group thing, to which the other three obeys him. but regarding george, his status elevated from "toy" to "lover" when hugh happen to fall for him, and mc was there to replace his original position, nevertheless george became a abuser himself like the others while yes, still being hugh's "bitch". the novel doesnt depict if the other two rape George, but i assume when he became hugh's lover, his ass became exclusively hugh's while george has permission to rape whomever.
Black haired guy is the end game it's not fun anymore. Brown haired guy just felt more right??? Idk