holy fuck it was disgusting to see that grown woman draping herself all over a literal child. that’s awful. but thank god they gave the Queen an appropriate reaction, instead of having her belittle it or laugh it off. it happens way too often in other stories but i’m glad this one didn’t go that route

knowing what happened to the king makes this whole situation awful. knowing both sides of the story as the reader makes it really painful to watch the queen and Blanche get hurt and the king relive his trauma. it makes me feel guilty for not liking him in the beginning but i guess that’s the point, as we’re only exposed to the queen’s perspective at first and eventually come to better understand the king. thus far, the story seems to take the assault relatively seriously, and i hope when everything is unveiled they treat it with the appropriate gravity. i would hate to see it made light of. anyone who’s read ahead, can you let me know if the story treats the assault as a serious matter? just a yes or no would work, because i don’t want the story to be spoiled but i’m also not sure if i want to keep reading if i’m just going to be let down by poor handling of this topic.

He was not assaulted, he actually got raped by his previous wife in order to have a child with him. There was a scene in one of the chapter where the previous wife sits on top of him while having this evil and scary smile on her face, I think that scene alone is proof that Blanche was a product of rape.

not everyone bashing Helena even after we learned her side of it. she’s literally not in a position to reject the pos prince, and other people are literally punished in her place if she disobeys, as we saw with the head maid. plus her mom raised her with the mentality of acting stupid and helpless as a survival mechanism. her whole side story was about her not truly having a choice in the matter if she doesn’t want herself or others to get in trouble. the true asshole is the prince, for treating both Helena and Eris like shit, albeit in different ways. I personally like that they made Helena a three dimensional character. I hope it stays that way. side note, the priest is hot

She most definitely could have rejected him. Left the palace and worked somewhere else. Hell she could have left the kingdom and started fresh. But she lacks any semblance of a back bone or independent thinking. I can’t stand people who just go with whatever someone tells them to do while being upset about what they’re doing. If you have an issue say something, otherwise everything that happens is your fault as much as the other person.

i mean…you’re saying that like it’s easy. we don’t know all the aspects of the culture in this story but quitting or getting fired from the royal palace is generally a huge disgrace and can prevent people from getting work elsewhere. not to mention she has to support herself and her mom. and this isn’t even getting into the fact that the prince seems to be a raging asshole with a fragile ego, who’s to say he wouldn’t lob her head off for hurting his feelings? lmao. idk, it’s not that deep, but I just think she’s getting a lot of hate when she herself feels helpless in this situation lol

Okay but you have to understand Helena’s character. She is going through her own trauma with her mother telling her to act like a damsel to survive. That type of thinking instilled on you at a early age just doesn’t go away. They were best friends during their childhood so how could she know he was gonna end up being a pos. And you can think that way but when you grow up in a patriarchal society with misogynistic men around every corner and especially if one is the future crown prince, the odds are against you at every corner. That even when she does try to say something (when he slapped Eris, when the head maid got in trouble) her words were literally never heard.

It was really ROUGH for commoners back in the days. I think keeping her job was the better decision.
Moreover someone as egotisical as the prince... I think at that point he would've hunted her down.
But I partially agree that she could've done much more. Just because you have few options, doesn't mean you have no options.

I mean I get what you’re saying but the prince is definitely entitled enough to not stop if she ever refused him, might actually get more possessive and punish those around her for “convincing her to reject him.” And I think Helena gets that there’s a sense of entitlement the men around her have to her, which makes refusing them more dangerous for her. Even if it wasn’t actually dangerous for her she grew up being told that she won’t survive by defending herself, she’ll survive by keeping low and acting as if she doesn’t know that she’s not being seen as a person with her own rights, but as a possession to be prized. I just think Helena deserves a lot more credit for trying to survive in an environment that would punish her for pursuing what she wants instead of rewarding her.

I have to disagree. Its not that easy uprooting your entire life and leaving everyone you know and love. Why should a woman have to drop everything because of the actions of a man. What would happens if she leaves anyway, would the prince treat the ml better? Also, he’s a prince, she’s a SERVANT and he could easily stop her. And even though she has no real choice in the palace, she probably sees him as someone she trusts, someone nice to her after she’s had a bit of a shit life. Maybe she doesn’t want to go away and that may be a bit selfish but not infuriatingly selfish and definitely not worth villainizing her. Lets normalise hating men for their decisions and not the women in his general vicinity.

Her chapter showed her as a helpless person. She's in a "do or die" situation. She doesn't have the authority to go against the prince's and empress's decision. If she does, she'd might end up either completely imprisoned or dead. That chapter made me feel more sorry for her than anything. The recent chapter even more so. I highly doubt she chose that dress for herself...
sorry enrique you’re cute, but your dad’s just hotter. i’m even willing to overlook the fact that his name is nortan
Oh God, I have never agreed to someone like this before.