orewahana August 12, 2024 5:46 pm

yamato-sannnnn gambatteee

orewahana July 23, 2024 10:12 am

depressing as fuck…

i fr thought before the violations happened, that teiwind deserved all that. blinded by jealousy so he killed rapiel? i was cheering when teiwind got gang raped by men, cause he deserved that… i thought. but the more i divulged in his sufferings, the more i get enthralled to his point of view, i couldn’t help but cry. i understand that love makes us do the most beautiful things but also the most heinous shit ever. i don’t know what are most of his motivations but teiwind had suffered enough. this is more than death. its more than losing his life. its losing everything he is. as it simplified in the manhwa, he paid his dues. he suffered enough.

cried when he was in that bitchass black haired dude, being kissed by him when he was withering away. like JUST LET HIM DIE!!??? just leave him alone, PLEASE. let him just be in peace.

i know what he did was bad but i couldn’t help myself but to turn my opinions around and root for a happy life for teiwind. he need another man. pls god.

    aVeryGreenApple July 24, 2024 1:24 pm

    You cheered that someone is getting gang raped? I know this is fiction, but no one deserves that… if I was Kloff I’d kill Aeroc and get it over with… or be a decent spouse and turn the bastard to the police.

    It wasn’t revenge… it’s a man driven by lust. Aeroc wouldn’t have exploded if Kloff left him be.. but instead he made his boring marriage into a game. S2 he said it.. it would be a boring marriage, some husband. So he repeatedly riled Aeroc, by turning Rapiel into an object to hated. It’s not an excuse, but the effects of being harassed for months it makes you crazy.

    Aeroc had more remorse, something Kloff never did.. he only wanted to play God. He wanted Aeroc from the beginning, but didn’t like that they were never going to be equals. That’s why he chose Rapiel… he gets someone who is beneath him an omega. The obsession to turn Aeroc into an omega and impregnate him repeatedly. It’s tells you a lot about Kloff’s main motivations.

    The sad thing is… in the timeline after s2 ‘Kloff’s return’ Aeroc and Rapiel had such a good relationship. Kloff saw his mistakes, how he drove Aeroc to fall from grace.

    You should read the novel.. if you can stomach vol 1. It’s too cruel.

    This is why I wrote a fanfic… Aeroc deserves a better man than that piece of shit. If the death didn’t happen, Rapiel and Kloff’s marriage would still have been miserable. To treat your wife with little respect… hahaha damn

    Unknown_author1111 July 24, 2024 1:24 pm

    I am amazed by reading this comment: 'I was cheering when Teiwind got gang raped by men because he deserved it.' No one deserves assault like this; have some sense of humanity, ma'am. What Aeroc did to Raphael was inhumane, and I will never support or defend him for it. Whether he wanted to or not, he was involved. But what Aeroc went through was worse than death. Aeroc had three miscarriages in THE BOTTOM due to being gang raped while he was pregnant. (And you were cheering for this scene?)

    orewahana July 24, 2024 4:33 pm

    sorry i didn’t mean it that way. i may have come across as someone so evil, but i thought the what he had to live through, is what he deserved. i never meant anyone fictional or not, feel they deserved to be raped. maybe what i intended to say (but was emotionally challenged after reading such depressing story) is that the way he tried to sell his body for some chump change is more than enough to equate to the sin he committed. i apologize for offending anyone :(((

    aVeryGreenApple July 25, 2024 1:00 am
    sorry i didn’t mean it that way. i may have come across as someone so evil, but i thought the what he had to live through, is what he deserved. i never meant anyone fictional or not, feel they deserved to be ... orewahana

    It’s understandable to be angry at this story.. it brings out of human emotions. But honestly, when I read it… I felt more bad for the Westport family.

    Imagine your son died and his husband instead of bringing their son justice. Impregnated his killer and had many children for what? Punishment? Marlena Westport.. Rapiel’s mom is Aeroc’s godmother… she prefer to see Aeroc behind bars than be tortured like that.. Kloff didn’t give closure to anyone. He simply used Rapiel’s death to satisfy his lust for Aeroc, which is more evil for me.

    Aeroc wanted to scare Rapiel but things went to shit. When Kloff found out… he let Kloff slowly destroy him, in the novel it’s more horrifying because you slowly see the degradation of a human being. How he tells himself he deserves all of his sufferings and that he doesn’t deserve to be treated like a human being.

    I wish Aeroc just found a different person instead… reading vol 5 crushed me because he was sincerely hoping to find the same love as his parents. He was this decent and dignified man who lost himself because of love… people loved him… his meeting with Kloff ultimately destroyed him.

    Kloff in vol 2. He’s an arrogant piece of shit, who is willing to use Rapiel because it’s convenient. One of his lines was ‘No matter how hard he works, he’ll never reach Aeroc’s level.’

    Two people are dead because of his arrogance, cowardice, and inferiority complex. His six children will forever know they were revenge babies, born out of rape, their dad killed their mom. The trauma he left those six kids. In the novel the twins were born drug addicted because of Aeroc’s painkiller addiction, what a life, right? Kloff only saw himself. He didn’t love Rapiel or Aeroc… only himself. Showing you who the antagonist of this so-called love story.

    i am a cowboy July 30, 2024 1:47 pm
    You cheered that someone is getting gang raped? I know this is fiction, but no one deserves that… if I was Kloff I’d kill Aeroc and get it over with… or be a decent spouse and turn the bastard to the poli... aVeryGreenApple

    Where can i find the novel ??

    aVeryGreenApple July 30, 2024 2:20 pm
    Where can i find the novel ?? i am a cowboy

    The first volume should still be around… but the rest are https://ko-fi.com/H2H5JI2UC

    i am a cowboy July 30, 2024 4:13 pm
    The first volume should still be around… but the rest are https://ko-fi.com/H2H5JI2UC aVeryGreenApple

    But it says i need to buy monthly membership to read :'(

    aVeryGreenApple July 31, 2024 12:32 am
    But it says i need to buy monthly membership to read :'( i am a cowboy


    It’s not complete though. If you want vol 5 ending and vol 6.. you need to use kofi

    aVeryGreenApple July 31, 2024 12:34 am


    The spanish version is kind of exaggerated for me, but that’s the only free version you’ll get. I preferred nomnom…

orewahana July 22, 2024 4:01 am

bunzo-kunnn what a filial cat u are

orewahana July 19, 2024 4:12 am

so nice to see this backstory

orewahana May 27, 2024 1:13 pm

itsuomi would support freeing palestine from genocide.


the children’s lives, the children’s wish. I project Soan’s wish to the children in Gaza where the only wish they wish for is to have a roof under them.

    Nini_r333 May 29, 2024 8:39 am

    I'm not for Palestine or Israel but just be mindful there are children in Israel going through the same struggles

orewahana May 25, 2024 1:25 am

so messy

orewahana May 24, 2024 6:35 am

my baby angél!!!!

orewahana May 14, 2024 9:56 am

i missed this manga. please update more

orewahana May 9, 2024 3:33 pm


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