yeesh's experience ( All 0 )

yeesh's answer ( All 11 )

about question
25 04,2021
me and my constant state of confusion and a *dash* of sleep deprivation-- just a dash   reply
25 04,2021
23 04,2021
if you mean the guy from mha, I'm pretty sure it's an i...   reply
23 04,2021
huh... well that explains a lot actually.. not so sure about the "very mature" part tho lmao   reply
20 04,2021
10 03,2021
coming out can be a very difficult thing to do, and it shows they trust you a lot that they were even willing to share that with you. so very importantly, don't say anything along the lines of "I don't care about that, we can still be friends.." as much as that phrase means well, in the eyes of someone that just shared something extremely importan......   1 reply
10 03,2021
all of my comebacks go something like: *gasp* ....... ............. .............. ............ ............. you suck! i hate you, meanie! that said, there's nothing to be proud of...   reply
04 03,2021

yeesh's question ( All 2 )

about question
30 05,2021
i don't know where to ask this, so I'll just ask here, i guess?? tw: mentions of suicidal thoughts

i have this friend that's very depressed and suicidal.. he is always talking bad about himself and about how he wants to kill himself. it doesn't matter what i say to him, he'll always try to argue about why dying is the answer to his problems, and everytime, i end up getting pulled down into that kind of thinking too. it's very difficult to just talk to him because he always twists it into something negative.. I'm trying to help him, but it's difficult for me because when he talks about suicide and death, i always get those thoughts too.. i also struggle with depression/suicidal thoughts/anxiety/etc, so i know it's difficult for him, but i can't take being pulled down by him when we talk.. I'm really struggling.. i don't know what i should do. i don't want to hurt his feelings by stopping myself from talking to him since he's always saying that nobody ever stays with him and always leaves him

i said he could talk to me about what he goes through, but i don't know if i can handle it anymore.. this might just be selfish of me, but he really puts a damper on the mental health I'm trying to maintain for myself.. what should i do?

(sorry this got so long..)
30 05,2021
29 07,2020
please tell me there's a way to get off stick n poke tattoos cuz I just had a moment of weakness and let my friend do one on me.... it looks so fucking bad lmao.. anyway, seriously, if anyone knows how to get these off, please please please let me know cuz I might die if I have to look at this for the rest of my life.... I'm face palming at myself so hard rn, why do I do shit like this....
29 07,2020