He is sooo CRUEL!! How can he be so bad and so HOT!! at the same time?? Like tf! This is hard for my rationality!, my beliefs and my morals!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Its like you know, when bunch of school romances are released at same time, you get a feeling of all authors smoking same weed. And, you see most updates with choking, and feel same thing like authors are in same sh!t in positive way oc. So.. I dunno why I felt to write this lol
Its like you know, when bunch of school romances are released at same time, you get a feeling of all authors smoking same weed. And, you see most updates with choking, and feel same thing like authors are in sa... Noshame
Guess they sent us hints on how to trigger our hidden desires, or it's just the universe telling me to live in the wild wild world lol ╮(╯▽╰)╭
When my masochist inner self get excited with Kang Moo's last words (。ŏ_ŏ)