mga bading: i got a bad case of clussy fever and i wanna make whoopie with her cushions... I order ms tornado to put her butt her whole butt and nothing but her butt on my face
Nasa Bo's Coffee ako kanina, trying to get my 3rd caffeine for the day (syempre personality ko ang pagiging coffee lover eh) when a woman in front me asked,
"San ka nagtatrabaho?"
I said, "I work for Memedustry"
She then said,
"Ah oo kasi sa Memedustry lang naman tinatanggap yung ganyang kadumiling balat... I mean hehe ganyan karaming tattoo." Memers lang naman kayo
I smiled at her then suddenly sabi nung cashier,
"Ma'am, 140 po for your drink."
ako while facing the poor lady,
"No one has the right to look down on people what more if you can only afford the smallest size of this drink," I uttered.
Nag ano ako... ano ah, I changed my direction to the cashier, handed her a 1k bill and said,
"Please upgrade her drink to the Meta size and give her a slice of cake. The change, please donate it to the less fortunate ones."
I turned back to face miss ma'am, said,
"You're welcome," then I walked out.
P.S. I just ended my 9 hour shift.
name: kitashi
sex: offender
position: missionary
age: 10 pababa lang
Masc x masc enjoyer
I wuv this mawnga sew metch... Memwheenhehehehehe ooooohhhh geeeee (●♡∀♡)╰(*´︶`*)╯
Gurl how old are you
Not my fault I found a top g manga