I honestly think people who prefer gakane as the male lead haven't really delved into Kishiar's character, or maybe ithe manhwa didn't do him justice. Don't get me wrong, it isn't bad, but i think the manhwa are not able to fully portray of what kind of character he is.
In the novel, Kishiar is supposed to be this complex and enigmatic guy. On the surface, he might appear a bit aloof and stuck up (it's literally an act to deceive the nobles), but he's actually composed, intelligent and deeply perceptive. He's the type to rarely act on an impulse. Contrary to what you guys might think, he'd often be steps ahead of everyone lmao. He’s incredibly compassionate too. He genuinely cares about the people under his command, not just as soldiers but as individuals. He doesn’t treat them like tools or pawns in some bigger game—he respects them. AND HE LOVES YUDER VERY MUCH, even in his past life.
I can honestly tell you, as someone who has read a lot of BLs, he's the very few character who felt 'human'.
no thank you so much for this bc ur saying exactly what i was thinking too,, i completely agree with everything you said.
i think it definitely is an adaptation thing and bc when reading the novel it feels like theres a lot of time to breathe into the tenseness of situations,, such as yuders conversations with kishiar in the past/present, whereas some of the pacing feels a bit fast here..
but then again,, the manhwa is not that far into the novel at all so hopefully the artists will do their best to build that atmosphere.
as you said, hes extremely complex and enigmatic: showing multiple sides that almost seem to contradict. i hope they are building up into his complexity by only showcasing his "mysteriousness behind a smile" right now, if that makes any sense. if executed well, I'll fall in love with this story ten times over again, more than i already have. but definitely over time more people will fall in love with kishiar, howeverrrr this is a slow burn story.
you're not yapping too much btw!! i love seeing comments like this that foster productive conversation and thought....
Yeahh, I thought I was the only one who thought that the pacing is a bit weird sometimes, some scenes aren't executed well.
But I guess it's mainly bc a novel has the liberty to express or convey the story a bit more clearly whereas a manhwa is somehow a bit limited, i suppose it would be hard for it to be portrayed the same way in the novel.
That's alright tho, I hope this way, people would be interested in reading the novel, its underrated af I'm telling you
Thanks for the reassurance btw <33
thank you both for saying what you said!!
i havent read the novel yet (but i will soon!!) but i love LOVE kishiar so much for the reasons that you both mentioned and i think theres no one else in the story that would make a perfect ML in this story than him. gakane is sweet and charming of course, but while reading the webtoon chapters released so far i never once thought he’d make a better ML for yuder when kishiar is right there. im SO intrigued by the plot and what kind of relationship the main couple had in the past and how it would develop in the future, and if you two novel readers believe the novel does a much more wonderful job narrating and fleshing out the story and the characters then i seriously cant wait to finally sit down and read it (hopefully this weekend)! im so glad i discovered turning
There u go
I'm absolutely glad that litc ended on a good note, but am I the only one who felt some of the issues here weren't addressed properly? For example like the reconciliation with Ri-in happened so shortly. Then Cirrus' father and jisu, I mean are we just gonna leave them like that? No karma or whatsoever?
I'm not complaining tho.. I mean if I look at a certain point, it's pretty realistic ig. Cirrus can be happy without having to avenge for what his father and jisu have done. But if I'm being completely honest, it kinda left a bitter taste in my mouth.
The writer already specified that she does things differently when it comes to “antagonists” in the sense don’t expect the usual fictional karma for them. Neither Skylar’s ex didn’t have such great punishment. It’s simply what it is.
Jisu after Cirrus tried to strangle her to death in S2 got traumatised and now she’s scared of him lmao and leaves him be.
The dad has accepted Cirrus’ request and keeps supporting him economically bc that apartment isn’t buying by itself.
All in all I liked this aspect of the story bc it gives that “slice of life” touch.