the koreans always get angry everytime someone talk about culture and then thinking that they are disrespecting their culture.bitch we understand that you're keeping your cultures but pleaseknow your limitation blaming the younger gen of japan for what their ancestor did in the past is such a stupid acting like you are the one that suffered on that era is so funny just like that person next to my comment

we're literally talking about women who got raped idk how many times when they were as young as you are right now and the Japanese government won't even address any excuses. If the politicians now forming the jappantes government are not able to have a little bit of empathy and apologise, then yes, the "Koreans" (as you called them) are right to blame them. These women are now old, they are going to die soon without even hearing a single apology for what they had been through.

The person who wrote the comment before yours was critiquing the use of Japanese words in this translation. They are saying it's a bit insensitive considering the history and the lack of reparations or even a formal apology from the Japanese government. Nowhere did they blame young Japanese people for the atrocity.
Also, it can be traumatic to see your mother and/or grandmother experience PTSD, depression, etc, because of their experiences, and that's not even mentioning that there are "comfort women" (i.e., victims of sexual exploitation) who are still alive today. Just because the person who wrote the previous comment didn't experience it themselves doesn't mean that it hasn't affected their life or that they haven't experienced any generational trauma.
If this is how you react to thoughtful criticism from someone whose family was directly victimized by a crime against humanity, then the only little bitch in this situation is you.
Can someone explain me the conversation of no name jiwha and that guy? Because I'm confuse right now