They say beauty is subjective but if you say Jason Momoa, Henry Cavill and Idris Elba are ugly I'm gonna catch you with these hands. Ahem, anyways here are some of my crushes. Jason Momoa Idris Elba Henry Cavill Anya Chalotra Megan Fox Lupita Nyong'o Gallant Kiana Ledé IU Lee Suhyun Eric Nam Park Seoj......
Haha I wasn't bullied because I never told I'm anything other than straight. I won't since my family hates LGBTQ and my country is super Catholic. On a daily basis I hear insults and slurs targeted towards LGBTQ community. There are even flyers in my school that are made by some stupid group of students that are meant to Insult LGBTQ. My father (a ......
I was at Panda Express w/ my dad and I got a fortune cookie saying “you are open and honest with matters of the heart.” And I was like: oh.mygahd.this is a sign from the heavens. And I came out to him right then and I was like “yo pa boys are a bit nasty I like girls n stuff” and he was like “chill girl you can date anyone you want as lon......
I'm not saying I'm right for reading the webtoon on mangago but I think if she should respect her audience who take their OWN time to read her piece. These people take time to read your webtoon, you should at least be respectful and thank people for spreading the popularity of the manhwa, then address the problem. For example, "Thank you for all th......
dude thas like saying gay people cant read about straight romance. if the lgbtq+ community says love is love then i dont see the problem with reading about any sort of romance.
These all might be fairly hard so I’ll go easiest to hardest you might know this one they didn’t quite have what I was looking for but you get the jist she’s from a very popular one but without this certain facial accessory you might not be able to tell ive literally not met one single person whose watched this anime despite how beautiful an......
haha I think you took your childhood crush rejection a bit too strongly, imagine some guy ruining your lifelong relationship with your brother. I understand it might feel hateful since you've been 'betrayed' but Nathan wasn't yours in the first place. You can't call dibs on someone then expect things to go the way you want to. It wasn't mentioned e......
I love drawing so much! It's always been my passion since I was four! But I'm not gonna lie, I can also hate it sometimes from the way it frustrates me and the time consumption. Oh the time consumption. No matter what, I feel like I'll never have enough time to draw until im perfectly satisfied with my pieces. The work can feel like torture ......
You should stop mentioning Banana Fish just because you haven't healed, or watch it because its a trend and now hooked up on the sadness because some of us old fans have somehow managed to healed from that deep, deep wound we've also cried out hearts out to. What I'm saying is, not all blonde people with green eyes are Ash, not all Asians or white......
people should't bash other people for reading yaoi for only the smut scenes..... you might not agree with thier intentions but it dosent give u a right to be an asshole towards them... not saying i agree with it but stop being assholes abt everyhting and mind your own damn business for once.... like yea there are some weird ass people out there..........
The amount of people on this site that fully believe they're entitled to evaluate, judge, and be in control of the sexual kinks, attractions, and fantasies of everyone else is un-flippin-real.
Been bullied ?