This is the first time I feel really scared while reading a zombie apocalypse. It's quite intense every time, like who are they? experiments? fighting for position and power? who you can trust? And bruh if you die, you die. They are kids/students using archery! Not guns! not super powers! No rewinding time! No reborn stuff!

Chapter 22 raw is out but got not money to purchase. Just why did I discover this too early? Whyyy??

u can read chap 22 here ^^ https://midnightmess.org/series/the-third-ending/

Read the novel. Bro, the tears that I shed for this story is enough to pay my tuition fee.
Anyway, I can't wait for Niannian to throw that damn ring away in front of that scum shit. Srsly, that part was the most refreshing thing ever!
Hate me, but I don't really like the ending.
Niannian, you are not a saint. So whyyyyy???

Uhh! see my picture? It's Raon Miru everyone! My fave novel! Dude so much happiness! I really love this novel!!! I squeal and smile every time i see characters~ I currently rereading the novel but my phone broke af so here i am in my pc then saw this!
Anyway the art is so damn good! I LOVE YOU YOO RYEO HAN MY AUTHOR-NIM!
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