is it me or is this really similar to killing stalking....
idk i really like killing stalking (NOT because i think serial killers are hot..its cause of the psychological horror aspect..you dont get many of those genre which are actually enough to fill my twisted mind)...
i dont know.. i think i have high expectations for it...lets hope this ends up being as satisfying as killing stalking was (yes including the ending ..idk why ppl dont like the ending..i actually think it was perfect)
PS. no im not comparing this to killing stalking .. im just saying that these are in similar genres..and the plot felt a lil similar too....but i know each story has its uniqueness

hmm...just to make it clear ... i wanna apologize for the people who thought i was comparing it ks..i mean i guess i didnt really realize when i was typing it out but what i mainly wanted to express is that i was exicited that the psychological thriller genre which has always been one of my fav type is finally recieving some attention..altough i do admit i did reference ks quite a bit in my og comment but i coult not help but think of that when i saw the *images* ..when i made this comment i didnt actually start reading it..as you can see me mentioning that i had expectations for this...now ive read this i can say that this story very much feels diffrent than what ks was..while ks was a manhwa that made you taste twisted with despair, hopelessness and mania..this on the other hand i think focuses on well people with fucked up minds..while i cant make anymore interference from just this much of the story..i again apologze for the people who misunderstood my words..

Lol nothing to apologize for you did nothing wrong, and also you described the two stories very perfectly at the end. i can see where ppl are coming from when they say the two are similar. Like for example in the latest chapter from the raws, there can be a parallel between this story and ks which was actually pretty similar imo. The genre and a character resemblance is also incredibly alike too, but ofc the plot remains unique

I-I really hate the mc so much..
wth?? how can someones actions make no sense at all but actually are sensible when you think anout it??
Like how can you hate but love someone this much??!
Are-are my 3 world views getting twisted?? is that why im thinking this all is perfectly normal??

its simple they kicked a dragon. they put him in the worse place to put him and he solved the problems. he should have gotten out they should have just put him back on earth and marked him as a failure, but no. they kicked a dragon in the balls and made a titan. they know full well they need to just strip him of his power and send him home to placate him. but they wont. so everything he does is a rebellion against a system that just wont let him go home.

i am actually happy with not shipping them together..i mean for me it feels weird...ooc i guess..i just want our mc to become a ruthless villain..but from the way the plot is moving..i dont think it will happen..sigh..not that i am complaining but i guess it feels a lil cliche..but again..i am not complaning

and great..now i cant even justify mcs actions as being logical as i did before...now how should i justify it?..
hmm... i mean...the elf was a chaos elf... so iguess he desrved it?? and angels are not always good right?? Right?? RIGHT??
yep this is good enough

Wdym, is perfectly logical, he came and destroyed their home and wnt inside to, judging from his intimidating stats, as an intruder with no good intentions, he had to fight especially since he had reinforcements most likely on a similar level, it was a life and death battle to find out the truth. (⌒▽⌒)
...its ok dont be shy... zhu fan..you can be more badass than this...i trust u(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
but..please..just-just dont be a simp