Mari created a topic of Backlight

Poor baby. He had such a shitty childhood. His brother was such a piece of shitā€¦.

Mari created a topic of Bound By Desire

WAIT. This art looks familiarā€¦..why does the art remind me of Bittersweet Howling??

PLEASEEE. He canā€™t remember his life but, sure knows how to have sex.

Mari created a topic of Jinx
Mari created a topic of Swallow You Whole
Mari created a topic of Backlight

Waitā€¦. I just reread. The mom knows the main character from Highschool, and sheā€™s also taking medication??

Why is he so MAD? Am I not receptive to the dirty talk? AHahaha

Mari created a topic of Jinx

I think I know why some people might be frustrated. Itā€™s because Dan and JKs relationship was always contractual. So Dan getting upset might be confusing to JK because only WE know of Danā€™s feelings. Whereas JK doesnā€™t even know his own feelings lmao. (ļæ£āˆ‡ļæ£")

Mari created a topic of Jinx

Not JK BLUSHING (ā‰§āˆ€ā‰¦)
Dan standing his ground was chefs kiss

Mari created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

HUHH??? How many conclusions can this man jump through? (ļæ£āˆ‡ļæ£")

Mari followed a list

Hardcore and lewd AF uncensored smut that will need some eye cleansing once you're done with it. Pussies will be devoured, and dicks will be ravishing.

Titles that have line-censorship will be included here as we can see enough. 

Includes hentai/oneshot titles as well if they have a good enough plot or contain scenes too gloriously lewd to leave out.

16 days
Mari followed a list

Let's go and Read sum medieval p*rn !!!

16 days
Mari created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

Ahhh this is so exciting. Why do I love them already? Īµ=Īµ=(惎ā‰§āˆ‡ā‰¦)惎

Mari created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Why did the younger brother get everything that HE wanted??? Ugh I wanted closure but now Iā€™m mad. But maybe it needed to end

Mari created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Okayyy Iā€™m glad he was being the bigger person and didnā€™t want to hurt him. I know he was upsetā€¦. but he canā€™t use his lover like that (ļæ£āˆ‡ļæ£")

Mari created a topic of Reverse Thinking

I was STRUGGLING to read this one at first because of the r*pe, violence, and their personalities. BUT by chapter 12 he got so cute when he started begging.
HUH? Is this my turning point? Whatā€™s wrong with meee

Mari created a topic of Jinx

Dude. Chill. After every chapter the comments are SO toxic criticizing Mingwa and the story lmaooo. I like her work. Sorry.

If you want it a certain way you can read something else? Or write your OWN??

Mari created a topic of Alpha Trauma

Iā€™m from USā€¦. In the spirit of Kendrick Lamarā€¦.I LOVE that heā€™s dishing it back.
Be the biggest hater ahahaha.

Mari created a topic of Cry Me a River

That was hot. But Iā€™m still obsessing over the druggie/bodyguard couple.
Itā€™s like they are canon but not? lmao.