•in the first timeline the father sent juvel in the shadow prison since its mostly safe for her after poisoning incident (the empress was the one who poisoined the drink and blamed it on juvel)
•the father(Regis) begged the crown prince(Max) to save her and he will make Max the Emperor, but since Juvel misunderstood everything she killed herself after that.
•The father was in rage(i think?) and went to the emperor and killed him after knowing that her daughter had suicide herself
•The father loved her daughter both past and current now but since juvel is his weakness he will do anything to keep her safety
•He is just a Father who dont know how to show his affection
I just got this from a spoiler
So credits to her (i wont say her nane for safety :D )
2021-02-28 07:20 marked
Photo from manga artwork