2025-01-19 04:37 marked

While hiding he found the omega they always had threesomes with and he overheard the mc talking about his pregnancy, which led to the twink to tell the ml mc was an omega and pregnant.
At first he thinks he’s pregnant from another alpha and tells him to get rid of it again, but mc ends up coming clear and saying we won’t get rid of it and that he was the father, both noticing their feelings are mutual.
Fast forward to the last chapter (41), ml is doing his best to convince mc that he wants to raise the child with him and that he loves him, to the point where they go visit mc’s parents and tell them that ml was actually the father (they don’t really like this tho)
2024-11-30 13:17 marked

https://zinchanmanga.net/manga/the-toy-of-a-grand-duke?id=284 ( Till chap 18 (english)
2022-04-18 20:46 marked
2021-01-18 05:35 marked

Sovieshu's plan is to both acquire an heir and a perfect empress.
When he was a child, he sneaked into the previous empress's (his mother's) room and found cookies which he gave to young Navier. Navier suggested they ate it together. Soon after, the previous empress was more anxious than angry that he took the cookies because it was for a countess that was favored by the emperor at that time (this is where I gag at Sovieshu's hypocrisy. he literally hated his dad for having concubines but look at him now) Sovieshu found out the cookies were mixed with poison that caused miscarriage with a side effect of infertility. His mother asked him if he shared the cookies but he quickly replied no. He lied instinctively, feeling that it's something no one should find out.
So because there is still no child between Sovieshu and Navier, Sovieshu concludes that one of them is infertile.
At that point in time, he was very stressed with the pressure the nobles and aristocrats were putting on him for not having a child to inherit the throne. Not only that, if he didn't bear an heir soon the throne would go to his uncle's son and his bloodline would ultimately lose the reign of the monarchy. That's what scared him because he knew how brutal being a member of the royal family was. After all, he spent some of his childhood watching the previous emperor (his father) with his concubines while his mother was abandoned. So when Trashta comes in, she's like a stress relief away from everyone's prejudice as well as the seeming indifference of his wife Navier.
Mind you, Sovieshu may be an asswipe but he is not one to crave countless women in order to satisfy his ego. He'd consider it, but his pride would never let him. Even though Navier was not the perfect wife, she was the perfect empress and a child between them would've been perfect as well had it not been for that cookie. So if he could not bear a child with her, Trashta had to do (his plan sounded perfect in his own head lmao).
So Trashta is already pregnant but the child is still an offspring of a commoner so he/she cannot become a prince/princess. This is why Sovieshu kept bugging Navier to adopt Trashta's child, so that he/she will have a legitimate right to take the throne.
But because Navier would not give in to adopting the bastard child (thank goodness queen) Sovieshu diverts to a different plan: divorce Navier and make Trashta empress for a year so that the child claims a royal right. Then when that year ends, he takes Navier back and kicks Trashta out. So Sovieshu basically didn't see much value in Trashta except for her ability to get preggers and her "feminine" side that Navier didn't have. fsr he has this fetish with women who depended on him like damsels in distress. And because Navier was independent af he also had some type of inferiority complex.
Soveishu's downfall is not telling Navier of his plan. Before Trashta came along, like waaay before all the issues, Navier and Sovieshu loved and trusted each other. Idk how to describe their past relationship but if you'd ask me, Navier was not good at expressing herself and Sovieshu was the worst in understanding that trait of hers. That didn't become much of a problem until the topic of an heir was brought up. Sovieshu started worrying a lot and he basically started blaming it on Navier; saying crap like the reason they had no child was because she wasn't affectionate to him or that she was infertile all along. Regardless, Navier continued to love him silently and although at first Sovieshu did the same for her, he began to lose sight of his love for her as he focused on figuring out how to produce an heir.
Sovieshu will soon snap back to his senses though, but it'll be too late. Because by then, Navier would've fallen for Heinly already and he won't be able to do anything about it. Sovieshu was the one who pushed Navier away after all.
So not only were they colleagues (on the throne) they were childhood friends who knew each other by the back of their hands. But because of Sovieshu bitch's inferiority complex, he decided he could handle batshit on his own. He basically plotted everything and since he didn't tell Navier, he made it seem like he was in love with Trashta and hurt Navier beyong comprehension.
Another thing is that he didn't calculate how crafty and cunning Trashta could be. So shit was gonna get loose when Navier stepped down from the throne.
Soon, Sovieshu ends up mentioning his plan to Trashta (1-year empress trial). Without his knowledge, Navier was actually listening to their conversation. This makes Navier leave the palace where she bumps into Heinley in a pub. Heinley confesses that he needed a queen to stand by him in his kingdom (Heinley's home is a kingdom, not an empire) and he wanted Navier to be queen. Navier, remembering what Sovieshu told Trashta, then offers marriage and Heinly accepts but he's confused because she's still married.
Navier continues sending letters through the blue bird (Heinley's attendant) and Sovieshu takes notice of this; speculating Navier is communicating with Heinley. So he orders to kill any bird that goes near the empress's chambers. Navier sends a warning but the bird confuses it and ends up getting hurt (blood, feathers, and all). Sovieshu bitch even sends a bird stew to Navier as warning. The bird isn't dead though, because Trashta finds it and gives it to Duke Elgy (Heinley's friend and the man Trashta is borrowing money from) who then becomes the means of communication between Navier and Heinley.
Meanwhile, Trashta (already knowing Sovieshu's plan) feels that she cannot compare to Navier. Duke Elgy suggests she studies so that's what she does. She studies while being accompanied by Sovieshu but she keeps complaining so Sovieshu keeps comparing her to Navier which infuriates. This keeps happening; she studies, acts fake-cute af in front of Sovieshu, borrows money from Duke Elgy, and pays money to Viscount Rostechu. At some point, Trashta also hires assassins to kill the Troby couple (Navier's parents). Then Navier's brother also attempts to poison Trashta to kill her child. He ends up being exiled by Sovieshu for it. Sovieshu then uses Navier's brother's crimes as leverage to solidify the divorce.
On the day of the divorce with the High Priest present, Sovieshu embarrasses Navier and claims she tried to harm his daughter. This is when Heinley enters as Navier asks the High Priest to bless her second marriage.
Sovieshu is salty af and even locks Navier, Heinley, and Navier's fam in their house while he searches for any laws that could null Navier's second marriage. The blue bird (Heinley's attendant) then appears to take them all to the Western Kingdom (Heinly's kingdom). Sovieshu goes crazy and demands to find them.
Some time passed since Navier left and Sovieshu goes paranoid because he felt she really wasn't coming back. So he doesn't drop Trashta from the empress seat because he put a lot of effort into doing it (faking Trashta's noble background and shit) but he does question whether their daughter is his or not. He uses magic to clarify the paternity; he was scared because he made so many enemies by divorcing Navier just to have an heir so there's no way he could save his dignity as emperor if his plan backfired. If the child really wan't his, it'd also shatter his confidence that he isn't sterile because Navier was already pregnant with Heinley's child (Sovieshu and Navier are both infertile because of the cookie but Navier and Heinley did (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ on a magical bed which is why she got pregnant). Sovieshu prayed the child really was his because he couldn't bear to live with the possibility that he lost Navier for nothing.
The truth was that when Trashta left Allen (the Viscount's son) years ago, she was already pregnant with their second child. But because she was sleeping with Sovieshu soon after, she didn't know Allen was the baby daddy. At some point, she also gets a scar on her face so Sovieshu starts to lose interest in her cause like you know the taboo with women in high society having scars.
It's revealed that Duke Elgy had only been getting information from Trashta. He's Heinley's friend and so, by Heinley's request, he got close to Trashta and got her to borrow money from him. Everything Trashta did, he told Heinley.
So Trashta's crimes are brought to light and she's imprisoned. She also ends up killing herself in her cell.
Sovieshu rejects the bastard child and has no heir to the throne.
Heinley and Navier live happily ever after with their little twin babies :)
2020-12-28 03:27 marked
2020-11-23 00:11 marked

There are several major factors and characters I shall address.
1. Ryan (Blonde dude from earlier in the series)
He has a much bigger role in the books than in the webtoon thus far, but idk how big his role might be ahead because he has a major role to play in the latter half of the series. As far as I know, he is NOT a love rival or anything of that sort. There has never been and isn't going to be anything romantic between him and McQueen at all. He harbours certain hatred McQueen for reasons, blames him for a lot of his ongoing issues and he has a lot . He has a son, with a prostitute and he also seems to have drug issues and is generally pretty messed up. In the novels, he and Ed live together, and McQueen and Ed have meals with Ryan and his son Cecil, even helping to take care of his son because Ryan isn't really the best parent.
He is actually the main reason why Ed and McQueen break up. But more on that in a bit.
2. Ed and McQueen
In the books McQueen is seen doing a lot more porn that in the webtoon to begin with; here he seems like he does more of the background work like directing etc. But in any case, novel McQueen and Ed BOTH continue to film porn with other partners, although Ed only ever bottoms for McQueen after. In the novels, there's no confession at the train station. They get together, but there's no actual verbalisation of the "I love you"s till much later. So although they're making porn with other people, they're also not exclusively together in the books at this point. I believe McQueen initially hoped to kind of do couples porn with Ed, but at some point after they do both stop doing porn anyway. But in any case, obviously the webtoon should differ from that.
Third parties are never a major major issue in the books for our main pair. They do love each other, although it takes a much longer time for McQueen to verbalise it there. Yes there is a 'love triangle' of sorts with Chang, but the feelings of the main pair never wavers for each other, although circumstances in the later parts do drive a wedge between them. The McEd pairing is actually quite fluffy in the books as well.
A major plot point in the novels. revolves around McQueen's writing of the movie's script. A journalist basically finds out that McQueen is the director of that movie, and it makes the news. Its huge news, and it goes on broadcast that a pornstar directed a religious movie. The website is being overloaded by views – and the site Ed's audition film with McQueen (for a DVD) is on there. The next day he goes to work, its obvious that all his coworkers know about his doing porn. Ed is asked to resign from his job as a security officer due to security reasons.
Upset, Ed then tries to contact McQueen, but he is unable to call through to him. This is because McQueen was being hounded by journalists at the time and he explains it to Ed. They then talk about plans for the future, like going on a cruise and stuff. Ed gets a little drunk, and confesses he watched a porno with McQueen and Ryan. More context on this is that Ryan and McQueen did something like a 'non-consensual' kink play? It's not actually non-consensual and its not rape for sure, but Ryan apparently has a history of sexual assault prior and told Ed before that McQueen exploits vulnerable men for money i.e. something like he basically did the shoot because he was in a vulnerable position (drug issues money issues etc.). Ed watched the porno, and then tell McQueen he agrees with Ryan that what happened was rape. McQueen is livid to think that Ed could think something like that of him, and says something along the lines of "I can't believe I was falling in love with you". They break up and don't contact each other for weeks after that.
Ed gets a job at the airport, but its not very stable. Prior to this, Ed had already stopped doing porn was also working for Chang doing some security, but he stopped that too after the porn reveal and hasn't contacted Chang since.
Lancer contacts Ed who is now in high demand because of the porn reveal, and asks him to do escort/prostitution work with him (He gave him an Escort card way earlier in the novels I think as an invitation already). Ed wonders if McQueen will find out, and then decides that he "doesn't care" and so on New Years Day, Lancer tells him that he's got this client and that Lancer raised the price on him (because of his high demand); Ed doesn't know who he is, but he turns up anyway. The client is Chang.
3. Chang
Chang hasn't met Ed since the porn reveal, New Years Day is the first time they're meeting after the reveal. Chang doesn't believe at first that Ed actually came, and Ed tries to walk away after realising its Chang. But Chang physically grabs him and tells him he paid for him, showing him the escort card he took from Ed's apartment (given by Lancer earlier). Chang offers to make Ed's debt disappear – if he stays beside him for a year. Ed considers and then refuses thinking this guy is the one who even ruined his life by saddling him with this debt in the first place. They argue, Chang makes jibes about Ed doing sex work and Ed, fed up, asks him if he wants to be fucked. Ed pulls down Chang's zipper to prove a point.
Then Chang pushes Ed onto the bed and starts getting physical with him. At several points, Ed says it hurts, and that he wants it to stop. Chang mocks him, bites him, and continues anyway. Ed tries to punch him to get away from him, saying he's changed his mind and telling him to stop. He grabs his clothes and tries to escape several times but fails. Chang r*pes Ed. In this interim, Ed realises that Chang has had feelings for him all along, and that he's just been trying to ignore it the whole time; after the deed is done, he asks Chang if he likes him – and Chang doesn't confirm or deny it. Ed tells him it doesn't matter because Chang is dead to him anyway, and tells Chang he wants to ruin him, like Chang ruined Ed.
He walks out (Chang is still there), to run into McQueen – Ed wondered previously if McQueen was going to find out about him doing escort/prostitution work so he clearly did – McQueen tells Ed he didn't want to break up with Ed in the first place, tells him that he loves him, and that he wants to get back together. Ed wants to say yes, but he just had sex with (was raped by) Chang, so he doesn't respond, just leaves both men without saying anything. McQueen and Chang fight, and Ed sees McQueen again the next day; McQueen tells him he doesn't care about the whole Chang thing, and they get back together.
McQueen tells him he's quitting porn for him and selling the company, and tells Ed to check his bank account – $500,000, which is the amount he owes Chang. Chang actually confesses his feelings to Ed after this, and Ed tells him he doesn't care and to check his bank account, that's his answer. Essentially he pays off his debt, and from there he's saying that they no longer will have any ties to each other.
So essentially I wanted to clarify a few things.
Ed didn't lose his bodyguard job because of McQueen but the journalist actually, and McQueen didn't abandon him because of the reveal at all. He had a huge debt to Chang – but McQueen didn't pay it off probably because $500,000 is kind of not pocket change?? He sold his company and paid off Ed's debts. McQueen is not the cause of Ed doing escorting; that's Ed's choice. Their break up was NOT caused by Ed not wanting to do an adult movie with McQueen.
McQueen and Ed's relationship is complex, and ultimately human. They make mistakes and there's miscommunication and there's arguments of course, but there's also reasons why certain things unfold the way they do. The novels are way longer than the webtoons, and lots of things have been and will be taken out. So bear in mind that too.
I hope this helped in some way and if anyone else is going to bullshit about the 'spoiler' without knowing what they're talking about again i'm going to hit the roof.
2019-09-19 18:33 marked
Can someone help me find that one chapter in Hidoku Shinaide where Naoya gets really busy with work and Akira feels neglected and thinks they had a fight? I can't seem to find it for some reason >.< Thanksss
2017-07-29 20:35 marked
vol 7 chap 3