I really disliked it. It was all nice until the cheating came up, so I couldn't bring myself to keep on reading, it spoiled it all for me. And I didn't quite believe in the 1st couple, and I didn't like the older guy in the 2nd couple.
But the plot is actually nice, so I wouldn't rate it badly. It just had a theme that always rubs me the wrong way.

I found the Badis and Alvie story in my language and damn it it didn't deserve its own series! It was so much more mature! In the beginning, I thought Alvie was hooking up with the other Prince, since the Prince showed some sort of interest in Alvie, but in the end it was Badis and damn they were hot together. Alvie sexiest uke ever.

Copying the comment I made for a topic some days ago.
In portuguese: https://suirenfan.wordpress.com/oneshot-furry/tsuki-to-yabanjin-extras/
If you comment, maybe the scan group might get interested in allowing retranslations or doing it themselves.
Basically: extra 1 is Uriel taking lessons on the language and failing miserably while Alvie does perfectly. Ald is back, Uriel goes to meet him and they complain that Ald is always travelling and he misses him, Ald promises to travel w him and they have sex.
Extra 2 has Alvie super bored. The other prince shows interest in spending time w him, but Alvie says he has archery lessons e Badis. Later, Alvie is bored bc even tho he is popular, he can only have fun during the day, cuz at night Uriel is w Ald and everyone else sleeps early. He then finds Badis in the lake, slips and falls, apologizes and says he wasn't spying. Then his attention moves to his scars and he asks about it, sexual tension ensues and it ends with Alvie saying his nights won't be boring anymore.
Alvie is rather the cheeky bastard if I must say, he is full of snappy comments and no shame, he comes out as a rather confident character now that he apparently is no longer Uriel's servant and don't need to be polite all the time. In fact, he just shows kindness to Uriel, to everyone else he shows a streak of dark humor. I like it, he seems like a dominant uke.
Extra 3 is Uriel who likes the dried meat, Ald asks him if he knows what it is and reveals it to be snake. Uriel is freaked out at first, but doesn't mind much bc he actually likes it. Ald says he adapts very quickly.

I seriously felt like the seme was gaslighting the uke in the talk they had in the council room. They were selfish, and didn't think about Kadokura at all.
"Your father is really proud of your housewife abilities" - what is it worth to me to have my parent be ungratefully proud of something I hate doing?
"You don't think about other people's feelings" - well Kadokura has done nothing but to think about other people and do what other people wanted him to do, he was enslaved without any help. But the moment he kicks a fuss asking for some recognition, he's selfish?
And why should it be thrown at his face that he was allowed to do one thing he wanted to do, that was to be in the council? Because 'he was allowed to be in the council even tho it got in the way of being a slave'.
I really wanted for that seme to fuck off and for the uke to end up with someone else. Damn, even Iichi that old senpai who liked him, would have been better. He at least understood the error of his wys and apologized, as well as recognized the validity of the uke's feelings. But the seme? He was an asshole who just turned everything the uke did against him. That seme should suffer.

YES YOU'RE RIGHT! But Ichi was bastard as well. F*ck those rotten semes, he should just live for himself!

Aaah I like this so much! I've never seen such character development, specially for Maya! I can see the next issue for the couple might be Nemu's parents, maybe they find out about his relationship or maybe Nemu wants to move in with Maya and they don't agree... Geez, can't wait for more.
But what I really wish for is for more Akira x Naoya, and more on Juuta's relationship with Akira - that boy is just insane and dangerous, really! I am half-wishing for him to get what he deserves for being such a nasty kid, and half-wishing for him to make peace with Akira already and move on with his life. If he has a brother complex, I find it really ironic that he tries to take what everyone else wants, but can never have what he himself wants.
But really, Naoya x Akira is the hottest couple of this manga. Naoya is such a hot seme, and Akira is so sexy.

IKR?? Akira and Naoya are underrated T^T they need more screen time? Or smthn like that TT^TT thought I was the only one who loved the to bitssss :D
As for Nemu and Maya, well... I hope they won't break up because of his parents :( I'm seriously crying if they do... we never know :/

loved them to bits*

They are not the main couple but I love them :)

I guess everyone loved them haha xD Their romance is more dramatic, and I find the characters more interesting, they have deeper issues. Naoya is absolutely sexy and smooth, but mature as well. As for Akira, he is absolutely handsome and so damn cool, I love that he's not a blushing mess to his seme, he's... cool! I want so much for sensei to talk about Juuta and Akira's relationship as well.
As for Maya and Nemu, they are still immature, but specially Maya is way better, but he's still hot-headed, and Nemu is still too much of a crybaby. But they have developed so much from how they first were, I think the next step is for Nemu to develop a sense of independence and confidence, he is the typical kid who's smothered by his parents. Hence why I think sensei is gonna do something with his parents next.
Also, can we have a chapter focusing of Nemu's gayfriend? Forgot his name, but I think he deserves a little love haha.

IF ONLY TT^TT like srsly how Akira can be so cold when he's with Naoya and some other people... but when they're alone, Akira is so intimate >/////<

Geez I would have already given up on Senpai if I was Mori. 10 Volumes, and it feels like their relationship is still in square one, Senpai won't budge. It would be maybe about time Morinaga realizes Senpai really "isn't gay" and "doesn't like him" and move on (and then Senpai's turn to realize he has to cherish the one he loves if he doesn't want him to get away).

For someone who isn't gay he sure has an awful lot of gay sex. i think he's just a shining example of internalized homophobia. He believes that a male/male relationship is wrong so strongly, that even though he's in love with Morinaga, he can't let go of his shame. I don't think this is something you can really understand unless you've experienced it. It's like you get all the same overwhelming feelings of love and passion that anyone gets, but they are immediately followed by an overwhelming guilt so strong that you immediately hate yourself for feeling those good feelings, and all you want to do is run away from your partner and yourself. Usually this stems from religion, growing up in a religious family that teaches that same-sex relationships are "sin" or "unnatural", so when you realize you're gay, you immediately feel like you're a bad person, that there's something wrong with you, or you worry you're "possessed" or something. It's terrifying and isolating. A lot of people try to deny it and suppress it, sometimes for years, others kill themselves, the lucky ones figure out how to overcome their belief system and finally accept themselves. What odd about this manga is that Senpai doesn't have a religion that condemns this, nor is his family against it, it's just him all on his own criticizing himself.

I understand your point, but I am actually complaining about the lack of character development from this problem, not about the problem itself.
First, it makes little sense for me for him to display such a high level of homophobia after I read about his family background, his relatives are rather accepting of his brother, and as you said, he's not exactly religious. Alright, society has its role, but to be THAT homophobic?Still, I'll give it to him that he might criticize himself more harshly - my actual complaint about his internalized homophobia is how, after 10 volumes, it's still stuck in square one, I don't see the character developing towards a solution for his dilemma, which is what moves every story.
Second, I think that his homophobia has something to do with the fact that his brother is gay as well - I didn't read his brother's story, so I can't tell how much of it influenced Senpai, but I saw some hints that he might have a brother complex and may think that his brother's husband stole his brother 'to the dark side'. IMO, I feel like his homophobia in this story has much to do with his pride as someone who so strongly opposed to his brother's relationship to be now in the same kind of relationship. As well as the fact that, how he put it in the last chapters, he has a different tolerance level to intimacy than Mori - that makes a perfect tsun tsun. And here I put it again: it's been 10 volumes, time to show some development.
And here I get back to my comment: If I was a gay guy in a relationship with someone who behaves like Senpai, I would have taken the hint that he is actually straight and would move on already. Because honestly, there is no signs that this person loves me, and while the readers can tell that yes, Senpai does love Mori because that's what this manga is about, there is no way for Mori to know that. And at this point, I'm getting really frustrated with Senpai. I just persist because it's a matter of honor now to see Senpai admit his love for Mori, haha.

Personally I think that senpai has developed a lot through this ten volumes. Senpai didn't actually love morinaga at first and he treated him way worst then now but look at him now just like morinaga said he's going out of his way to explain himself to morinaga, he acted all shy just seeing morinaga naked body. That alone says of how much his feelings has grown for morinaga. And yeah he still hits morinaga but that a part of him that will never change because that how he is and morinaga can be stupid sometimes.anyways

From what I recall a gay guy harassed him and he was almost raped. Morinaga saved him and also tried to prove a point to him. That was in challengers. Morinaga then in this series does the very thing he saved him from and tried to tell Senpai he was wrong about. Instead he proved his point. That he even gives Mori the time of day practically makes him an angel.

In Challengers series, Prof. Miyoshi (I don't remember exactly the name) raped Souichi in the lab, and Mori saved him. Then, Tomoe-his brother loved a man. All these thing happened in once, so it made Souichi became hate gay and against gay people. Maybe you have not read Challengers-the sequel of KSB, have you? (⌒▽⌒)

But hitting him after' that special night' ?noooo....u.u. Instead ' good morning' he got punched. It was unnecessary :<

Yeah I kinda of find the both of them more frustrating than cute... Like Senpai is -gestures encompassingly- kind of a mess of contradictions (and even if he does love Morinaga but is so repressed he can't acknowledge it, that's no excuse for like... borderline abusive behavior lol...). Morinaga always seems to be overcompensating and way too fixated, to the point of being pushy (even when he tries not to be). Neither of them have any chill. All in all, I want them to be happy but damn I'm like guys get your shit together lol.

I seen many characters like that who get shy after and hit the person they like out of nowhere and senpai is like that deep under he's actually a shy person that why he hit morinaga because of what they last night. Anyways it was a great chapter and hope morinaga be able to meet and make peace with his parents soon.

Agree with you! Anyway, people who love it still love it! Each chapter has its own attraction. Souichi is changing, not sharply but gradually. Maybe some people don't like the gradual circumstance like that, they want the result to come fast, so they are impatient and get annoyed at Souichi lol. I think one improtant thing that makes KSB special is the characters, especially Souichi. If anyone don't like the manga, just stop reading it and they better spend time reading what they really love. That's all.

I also agreed with you if people are getting tired of Souichi attitude towards Morinaga then they should read stop reading it and look for another story. And just like you said Souichi is changing little by little and I like it they are not rushing his character since we knew how he felt from chapter one.

Oops! I can see someone really doesn't like what I and you said. Thus I think we should stop here, I don't wanna spend my time arguing with people that don't have mutual thought. They don't like, still not like, we love and still love. Sensei will continue her story line, so if anyone can't follow the story more, they should stop here! lol

Um I don't know what your talking about when you said 'doesn't like what I said' since I kept saying that I agreed with you and I wasn't arguing or anything I though we were just sharing our thoughts on this beautiful manga which I love and I have no problem with senpai attitude towards Morinaga. And people who complain about senpai attitude or saying that they are only reading it now because they been reading I'm saying what the point on reading something they are not enjoying it 100%.

Well, I think it's unpolite to say someone better stop reading if they are not enjoying it 100%, after all it's quite hard for a work to be perfect. Even stories I consider to be among the best (Close the Last Door, Aiso Tsukashi, Koi to Wa Yobenai, Soredemo Yasashii Koi o Suru) are not 100%.
I get that you love the series, I do love it as well, but people have different opinions, and it's nice to share our thoughts on the story, that's what this place is for, so let's keep the value judgment to the topic. In this discussion I've even learned new things about the manga that made me understand Senpai's behavior better.

Lol I didn't see that sorry because I was over joy because another yaoi manga I'm reading finally got another update, but since it's been a long time I have to go back a few chapters because i forgot some parts but I don't mind since I live it. Anyways it was nice chatting with you um ktd hope we have another update of this manga soon and I mean soon I want more of senpai and morinaga.
And Mozzarella I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway I truly didn't mean too.
OK then guys I'm up to go and find more yaoi manga to read or doujinshi hmm who cares I enjoy both.

I somehow wanted Kawamura to be with Yoshida in the end, they were the most interesting characters in the manga.
Yoshitake didn't seem like a reliable partner for me, really. He was just... asshole-ish.
As for Morishita, he is a player, and that could give a nice character, but in the end he was just shallow. Maybe because he was a secondary character, it would have been really fun if he got a story with Yoshida in the end.
What I didn't like however was how he called Kawamura to talk about how Yoshitake was in bed, that was just a disgusting thing to do, felt like rubbing his past relationship with Yoshi in Kawamura's face, and sounded really mean and inconsiderate. Not so nice, Mori.

Yeah i didn't like that he called him up about the sex stuff. Like come on have some respect for the other party. U knew it bothered him that yal was dating and he realized he had feelings for yoshi, dont remind him of it. Like i know yoshi and him are like best buds but still respect that relationship.

This is just perfect! It breaks every single trope I hate in yaoi! The uke had balls! He said no, he called out on the seme's bad behavior, and he stood his ground for his decisions, he didn't play the part of the damsel in distress. He stood his ground that he had the right to hang out with his friends, to say no to sex and not to accept bullshit from seme.
I also love how they showed the seme's perspective of a guy confused with his feelings to actually justify much of his behavior, and actually worked on improving the character to overcome his insecurities. He was a good guy after all, and rather sweet. I love it when semes show feelings that are actually love, not obsessive.
But I guess that what I liked the most is that they didn't play mind games with each other. They communicated. If there was ever someone being an ass, they talked (or argued :p) it out. If there was a misunderstanding over something, THEY TALKED, and didn't just jump to conclusions, like the episode with the other suitors and the mother.
In the end, it seemed like a healthy relationship, and one worth pursuing. Fav manga!

This story is horrible. Rape was very romanticized and the idea that a relationship that could have been healthy was ditched just because someone else shoved their dick up the uke's ass is ridiculous (somehow this seems to be the norm: the only one ever to have sex with the uke has to be the seme, no one else). The seme was a disgusting rapist, I hated it.
I thought this would be a great stort when she said they.couldn't be together bc of their different values, and one that would prompt changes on him. I'm terribly disappointed.
The issue with this manga is not that he cheated, but how they blame the wife for the husband's cheating, and moreover, blame her career. 'Men have urges' and 'I kissed her because you had no time for me' are not only victim blaming, but also sexist. They invalidate her feelings and beliefs, gaslighting her to the point where, in the end, she actually believed it was her fault.
I don't see anyone blaming him, or even see him redeeming himself, he just fucks up over and over, and then everyone places the blame for HIS actions on HER. And on Sofia. True, she was a toxic bitch, but it's disgusting that she was just created as a slutty character to act as plot device to justify his mistakes as well: the slutty woman is to blame for the man's mistakes. Sexist, and slut shaming.
Even when he admits blame or someone blames him, it's usually followed by someone excusing his behavior.
Know this: cheating is never the victim's (male or female) fault, and neither it is a slut's fault. Cheating is only ever the cheater's choice. And specifically speaking in this manga, a woman having a career is not to blame either.If they couldn't meet, it wasn't reason enough to cheat, for he could have given his career a break as well, just as he demanded of her. He just ever wanted her to be available when he wanted or could see her.
I would also like to make a point that I hate in shoujos and joseis that the man is allowed to be with other women, but the female lead 'belongs' to the male lead, so hardly ever we see her pursuing other romantic interests. Mateo used the excuse that they were separated to justify him sleeping w Sofia, but the separated Jennifer wasn't given the same privilege - as soon as another man shows interest, Mateo jumps in to 'save her from a ridiculous' partner who obvs is trouble.
The only one on her right mind was her mother, and yet she was portrayed as a bitch.
your coment is the best, agree with you.
Oh my god its just a story and if you knew you don't like shoujo then why would you read a harlequin manga that's based on a woman's fantisies. Its meant to have this kind of story to make a person like you understand true love which is irrational and inmpulsive. So that means you can't put love and logic together. The story shows that the girl still loved her husband even though going through their divorce and she clearly was not aware of it herself and tried to focus on her work. The real problem wasnt the cheating but the miscommunication. When the girl tried to sort things out her husbands staff keeps tying in the way. You shouldn't really focus on the internal factors that made their relationship fail but the external as well.
this reasoning is unconvincing.
I think the big mistake the guy made is he kissed other the other girl. Also, I blame both of them. Both of them should really have worked it out. they should really find a time to be together or enjoy life as a couple. I really don't like it when people just blame either the guy or the woman. Both of them are at fault.
Darling, this is NOT what women fantasize about.
I think that, while both of them are to blame for the marriage failure, the ultimate mistake of this manga is to throw all that blame on the woman on a very sexist way, even things that had nothing to do with her, such as his cheating.
Some may argue that love is irrational like that, but love doesn't excuse a toxic and abusive relationship.