Mozzarella November 4, 2018 2:38 pm

The face of a smarmy asshole. Ugh. I want to cut Weeman's face, he's so grating with that fake angel face!

Jiwon's parents aren't any better, way to be a N parent. That's emotional abuse.

His brother however seems to be a nice guy, just clueless about his brother.

I hope Jiwon can get over them and be genuinely indifferent to such awful people.

Mozzarella November 2, 2018 2:55 am

I'm not sure which side to take. Both Hakdo and the Hyung are... Well, undeserving of Sangho.

I'm afraid tho, that the Hyung is gonna try to seduce Hakdo out of revenge.

    Sachiko November 3, 2018 11:10 pm

    I can't agree more with this statement. In my opinion it's which is the lesser of two evils. Imo, that just happens to be Sangho's hyung.

    Mozzarella November 4, 2018 2:41 pm
    I can't agree more with this statement. In my opinion it's which is the lesser of two evils. Imo, that just happens to be Sangho's hyung. Sachiko

    After this chapter, I'm not so sure. Tbh, I guess it's nice Sangho doesn't seem to be too invested in Hakdo by this point, but his reactions to Hyung are clearly worrying.

    I guess Sangho is a nice guy and will eventually find someone who deserves him, or at least Hakdo will take his head out of his friend's ass.

    Sachiko November 5, 2018 4:16 am
    After this chapter, I'm not so sure. Tbh, I guess it's nice Sangho doesn't seem to be too invested in Hakdo by this point, but his reactions to Hyung are clearly worrying.I guess Sangho is a nice guy and will e... Mozzarella

    Interesting. Since this chapter is what clinched the ex being the lesser of two evils for me.

    Mozzarella November 6, 2018 12:52 am
    Interesting. Since this chapter is what clinched the ex being the lesser of two evils for me. Sachiko

    I'm curious now, why do you think so? I got the impression Hyung had a worse personality than what we thought from this chapter.

    But then again Hakdo is still the same little shit, so...

    Sachiko November 6, 2018 1:54 am
    I'm curious now, why do you think so? I got the impression Hyung had a worse personality than what we thought from this chapter.But then again Hakdo is still the same little shit, so... Mozzarella

    Remember, I'm just saying he's the lesser of two evils. And that I'm not saying that the hyung is absolutely wonderful. This last chapter confirmed that he was wanting Sangho's attention specifically. While Hakdo, as I said in another post, just finds Sangho a convenient outlet for when he needs to release his frustrations, it doesn't even HAVE to be Sangho. Nor does Hakdo show any signs of caring for Sangho. Plus he assaults him despite any objections Sangho raises.

    Mozzarella November 9, 2018 12:48 am
    Remember, I'm just saying he's the lesser of two evils. And that I'm not saying that the hyung is absolutely wonderful. This last chapter confirmed that he was wanting Sangho's attention specifically. While Hak... Sachiko

    Oh no, I got it that you meant he's the lesser of two evils, not a good choice. I just didn't see it after last chapter, given how awful his personality is. But I see your point about Hakdo's indifference, and that's true. Maybe because they take so long to update, I forget past chapters when I read this.

    Either way, I am unconvinced that Hyung is the lesser of two evils bc I have a feeling that he just likes "the chase". He's an N, who just wants Sangho to feed his ego, from what I understood. Not only he's uncaring like Hakdo, but also actively pursues a toxic dynamic with Sangho.

    That's suppositions about Hyung from what we know so far, however, hence why I'm not convinced who'd be the lesser of two evils.

    Sachiko November 9, 2018 1:59 am
    Oh no, I got it that you meant he's the lesser of two evils, not a good choice. I just didn't see it after last chapter, given how awful his personality is. But I see your point about Hakdo's indifference, and ... Mozzarella

    Totally fair. Although, my focus really isn't on who cares more for Sangho, because, in that regard, I don't think either of them comes out on top. I just like the fact that the Hyung seems to be (more?) interested in Sangho, specifically, no matter what that reason is. I guess I'm also just a little bit biased already towards characters who can shake up the status quo in an established relationship of any kind where only one of the partners is expected to compromise all the time as is the case with Sangho's and Hakdo's relationship.

    Mozzarella November 9, 2018 11:00 pm
    Totally fair. Although, my focus really isn't on who cares more for Sangho, because, in that regard, I don't think either of them comes out on top. I just like the fact that the Hyung seems to be (more?) inter... Sachiko

    In the end it's a lose-lose situation. Considering how nice of a guy Sangho is, best case scenario would be a player 3 joining the game.

    Realistically speaking tho, it's more likely Hakdo will have a change of heart.

    Tho it could be a "thank you, next" kind of story lmao.

    Sachiko November 10, 2018 1:39 am
    In the end it's a lose-lose situation. Considering how nice of a guy Sangho is, best case scenario would be a player 3 joining the game.Realistically speaking tho, it's more likely Hakdo will have a change of h... Mozzarella

    Shaking up the status quo doesn't dismiss the idea of this ending up being a 3P however....

Mozzarella October 28, 2018 5:18 pm

I feel so rewarded after reading this chapter!

I'm so proud of DG. That's such character growtg from him, who accepted scraps at the beginning, to now be very confident on what he wants out of a partner and not accepting to settle for less.

To make it better... Jiwon is suffering for his own actions. It's not DG running a nasty revenge. It's not DG abusing him. It's his own damn actions. And he realizes that, given his inner dialogue.

We see here two characters who went through rough heartbreaks with their first love, but with two very different outcomes. Where Jiwon got bitter and closed off, DG decided to take a lesson out of it to better himself and move on. And that was before meeting Jiwon in the restaurant and getting the chance to get closure on his own terms (so the fact that Jiwon never got to have closure with his senpai doesn't make him and DG different cases).

Now I suppose it's Jiwon's development chapters, and I can't wait to read it. I can see the artist has softened the way they draw him, his eyes are way more softer while it used to be sharp. The artist is really skilled.

Mozzarella October 28, 2018 2:58 am


I love these two together, omfg. The art is so damn pretty, Shizu and Mina are too damn handsome for their own good. I love how good Shizu is as a boyfriend, so cute! And Mina, I love how far he's come, but still sad at how scarred life's made him.

Mozzarella October 28, 2018 1:54 am

I gave up on this manga for obvious reasons, but it keeps on appearing on my notifications. Any way to stop that?

    MothXLamps October 31, 2018 2:54 am

    Read the fucking masterpiece

    Mozzarella November 2, 2018 2:43 am
    Read the fucking masterpiece MothXLamps

    I don't like it anymore, I won't read it. I just want to stop getting notifications.

    MothXLamps November 2, 2018 2:50 am
    I don't like it anymore, I won't read it. I just want to stop getting notifications. Mozzarella

    it wont stop till you love it again. and once it does, u wont want it to stop

    Cae November 3, 2018 12:20 am

    If you want to stop getting notifications, on the page of the manga just hit the garbage can buttion next to where it says 'im reading this manga'

    Mozzarella November 3, 2018 6:21 am
    If you want to stop getting notifications, on the page of the manga just hit the garbage can buttion next to where it says 'im reading this manga' Cae

    Thank you!

Mozzarella October 22, 2018 2:02 am

Now a serious comment:

I loved DG's growth chapters. It's like the author took everything we complained about him and made him realize his mistake, apologize for it, and walk out of a toxic situation.

But now it looks like it's Jiwon's turn and omfg, yes, everyone wants him to realize what a jerk he was, but this is possibly going to be his growth chapters. He has shit to deal with that's unrelated to DG - namely, his family and his 'ex', so I'm expecting some heavy shit to come.

In the end, everyone just wants the same thing: for Jiwon and DG to be on the same page on a healthy relationship, but I'm scared tho, cuz I've seen a lot of manwas recently where, after a lot of shit, the couple ends up each going their own way, having "learned important life lessons from that one relationship".

    Fruit October 22, 2018 2:45 am

    I think they will end up together but if they went separate ways that would be great too.
    A great way for Jiwon to grow up is to face his ex and his family and tell them all off and make them suffer and realized what a great person he has become even without their support.

    If he stands up for himself in front of them that will empower him and make him more confident and proud of himself even if they turn out to be utterly garbage people without any remorse at least Jiwon can move on thinking that is a waste to suffer because of them they don't deserve his love and all the bitterness in his heart.

    If Jiwon gets better that way then he probably someday will be ready commit in a true relationship.
    But focusing on DG and chasing after him shouldn't be his focus right now.

    Mozzarella October 22, 2018 4:59 am
    I think they will end up together but if they went separate ways that would be great too.A great way for Jiwon to grow up is to face his ex and his family and tell them all off and make them suffer and realized... Fruit

    I want them together, but I think their relationship is a bit past salvageable. IDK what development Jiwon would have to go through, but I'd for sure would hate it if he hit rock bottom and DG took pity on him, that's no development at all.

    I also don't think taking revenge is very empowering, bc he punished them... then what? His issues won't suddenly vanish. We all wanted DG to take revenge, but I think it was much more dignified to have him realize his mistakes, apologize and try to move on. And the point here is to have Jiwon move on and become a better person.

    If you're still bitter, then you haven't really moved on at all. Healed wounds don't hurt, y'know? You're only ever over something when you can honestly say you don't care.

    That being said, if a confrontation with his family or ex does happen, I'd love for Jiwon to realize he honestly doesn't care. Exes get specially pissy at that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    My bet is that either the ex is going to have turned good and apologize to him, or he will see the ex and realize he feels nothing at all towards him and give up on resentment.

    But what I'd also love to see is him realizing he doesn't have to be perfect and drop the mask he wears around his friends. If they like him, it's for who he is.

    maychan October 22, 2018 10:28 am

    I actually don't want them to be in relationship at all. after all that Alex did to him, I don't think they should get together. but this is a yaoi cliche. so don't worry, they will end together even if I don't want too cause it will never be healthy.

    Mozzarella October 24, 2018 11:55 pm
    I actually don't want them to be in relationship at all. after all that Alex did to him, I don't think they should get together. but this is a yaoi cliche. so don't worry, they will end together even if I don't... maychan

    I have conflicted feelings about them tbh. On one side, I want their happy ending, on the other, I think it's "spoiled".

Mozzarella October 22, 2018 12:47 am

Is anyone surprised at all? Like, really? We've all been expecting this to happen, and I've endured over 40 chapters of outrage for THIS.

"BuT Dg BrOuGtH iT uPoN hImSeLf Bc AlEx SaId It WaS nO fEelInGs AtTaChEd" - yeah yeah, okay, sure, and Jiwon took the chance to abuse him, but gueeess what? MY BOY DG, HE REALIZED THAT WAS A MISTAKE!

I was so proud when he decided to let go of Jiwon, and not just out of spite! I was REALLY proud that he realized what went wrong and APOLOGIZED for acting out of line!

"bUt It WaS nO fEelInGs AtTaChEd" - He apologized! You hear that? He apologized for acting out of place when Jiwon had made it clear they were only fuckbuddies.

"Dg AcCePtEd It Bc He WaNtEd To, He CoUlD hAvE wAlKeD oUt" - and now he doesn't want to and is walking out! HAH!

So what if Jiwon is only now realizing he has feelings for DG?


    Kuro October 22, 2018 12:51 am

    What a nice person, love ya

    yuki October 22, 2018 12:54 am

    Yeah, but I didn't expected it to be that ... i can't find the words

    Mozzarella October 22, 2018 1:13 am
    Yeah, but I didn't expected it to be that ... i can't find the words yuki

    I didn't know it would be like that, but I think it was kinda to be expected that Jiwon would only realize he loved DG when DG left him. I was mad that the author made DG accept to the last sex scene, but I realize the intention: Jiwon got DG to behave just like he always wanted, just to realized he hated that.

    Mozzarella October 22, 2018 1:16 am
    What a nice person, love ya Kuro

    Everyone talked shit about DG. Everyone said Jiwon was honest about what he wanted. Everyone said DG brought this upon himself. That he could walk whenever he wanted.

    Yes to all this. So, now DG is accepting the nature of the relationship, owning his mistake and apologizing for it, and walking out.

    maychan October 22, 2018 10:36 am
    Everyone talked shit about DG. Everyone said Jiwon was honest about what he wanted. Everyone said DG brought this upon himself. That he could walk whenever he wanted.Yes to all this. So, now DG is accepting the... Mozzarella

    Alex never was really honest though. you don't get jealous of someone you only have sex with so no XD he give him mix sign's and rape him on been jealous, what again show he wasn't honest at all.

    yuki October 22, 2018 11:11 am
    Alex never was really honest though. you don't get jealous of someone you only have sex with so no XD he give him mix sign's and rape him on been jealous, what again show he wasn't honest at all. maychan

    Soooo true

    Kuro October 22, 2018 7:11 pm
    Alex never was really honest though. you don't get jealous of someone you only have sex with so no XD he give him mix sign's and rape him on been jealous, what again show he wasn't honest at all. maychan

    100% true, I agree.

    Mozzarella October 24, 2018 11:44 pm
    Alex never was really honest though. you don't get jealous of someone you only have sex with so no XD he give him mix sign's and rape him on been jealous, what again show he wasn't honest at all. maychan

    Omg I hadn't seen it that way. True!

Mozzarella October 21, 2018 12:01 am

First of all: I want Sangho to bottom.

Am I the only one who's noticed how similar Hakdo is to this Hyung? I think Sangho has a type.

While I am very wary of this fishy Hyung, I'm also really annoyed at Hakdo playing hard to get with Sangho. A little competition would do him good. And tbh, I'm enjoying seeing someone pursue Sangho.

    Mozzarella October 22, 2018 1:28 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! KenGoldenTree

    judging by Hyung's comment, I'd guess he "lost interest", which makes me agree that Hyung looks like the type to mess around. I can't even tell if it was a nasty break up, Sangho is so chill about it, but I guess he was heartbroken. I'm actually worried that he's attached to this hyung, it seems he still does a lot of things from their time together.

    Hakdo's infatuation with his friend annoys me, it looks like he's only clinging to it out of stubborness. And I get a bit peeved at flighty characters who avoid commitment and emotional attachment when we already know they're going to marry and adopt five dogs and a cat. Seems like unnecessary drama.

    But if all he wants from Sangho is to play around, fine, that's his choice. But that makes Sangho fair game to hyung. And I quite like hyung so far.

Mozzarella October 16, 2018 11:08 am

I can't get over how absolutely gorgeous the both of them are, jfc!

Also, I love it when the characters are so complementary of each other, like true soulmates.

Mozzarella October 15, 2018 12:35 am

I love how the mangaka is setting a quicker pace than the book's to the the story, without loss of relevant content. On the book I quickly got tired of it because the plot of Without Reservations drags on unnecessarily at some points. I felt like the author didn't quite know how to pace the story in the first book when I compare it with the second book, which is my favorite.


Hot spoiler ahead:

Remi is the protagonist of the second book (With Caution), and HIS MATE IS A FUCKING BAMF DOM AND A TOTAL HOTTIE JFC!

The best part is: He shows up in this story <3 and hopefully the mangaka will include some of their heavy UST here. Tbh I'd love it if we got a manga of With Caution.

I can't wait to see the design of Remi's mate. From the way things are proceeding, I imagine it's gonna be somewhere around chapter 16, and I'm dying of excitement here.

    Fabzie08 October 15, 2018 4:16 am

    Omg same!!! I am literally only checking in on every new chapter waiting to see what he looks like and checking to see if With Caution was put up early ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Mozzarella October 16, 2018 4:41 am
    Omg same!!! I am literally only checking in on every new chapter waiting to see what he looks like and checking to see if With Caution was put up early ヾ(☆▽☆) Fabzie08

    Is there a manga for With Caution? Please say yes!

    I think that, for all its writing flaws, With Caution is proof that enjoyable characters can support a bad story (and the story isn't even all that bad tbh).

    Anonymous October 16, 2018 6:19 pm

    I know if you check J.L. Langley’s tumblr account there’s an illustration of Jake and Remi on a motorcycle together for the Japanese translation of With Caution! And trust me, they look good!

    Lady Alteria October 18, 2018 12:07 am

    You can actually see the designs for all the characters of each main book by looking for the Japanese covers for the series...the mangaka for this one designed all the covers and both main characters are on them chay and Keaton in the first and Remi and Jake on the second and Matt and Aubrey on the third and Dev and the other on the 4th...they're designs are SOOOO beautiful

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